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From the author: Are you doing something in life that is not what you would like? Which type of unhappy person are you: working for food or waiting for your dream job? Since 2014, I went freelance and speak with people about what pleasure from work is. I suggest you familiarize yourself with it ;) The working situation in the country influences a person’s choice. The profession market attracts: “high salaries”, “we need you.” You are sitting in your work chair, your dreams are crumbling: no one is paid a lot of money right away, most professions are not popular, positions in large companies are full. Finding a new job requires strength and resources. The previous place of work does not bring self-realization, money, resources. This is a situation of stress that takes away strength. VALUES OF DREAMERS They sell us cheap values. They are easier to lure - money, pleasure and freedom, what everyone wants. In the word work, they are looking for the following: - high wages , - pleasure (what are the happy photos of teams worth, under which it says: come to us!) - freedom (this is about vacancies like “manager, flexible schedule, 40 thousand) - ease (become a seller, and then the director of our store) But pleasure and satisfaction - a person receives when he works. Remember how at the age of 3 he ran to his mother to show him what little Easter cake he made in the sandbox. And why? WORK AND DREAM JOB MYTH 1. A career will relieve boredom. Every job has a routine, including a dream job. Work requires effort, even with a free schedule - work takes up 60% of the time of our lives. MYTH 2. Everyone needs to become “free workers”. “There are people predisposed to small, systematic work - and they like it. They are not capable of self-organization or independent management of affairs. MYTH 3. By accumulating capital you will gain freedom. From idleness, a person gets tired, his ability to produce and create atrophies. Along with this, the business started will perish. SO WHAT IS IT, “DREAM JOB”? What are the advantages of a person who seeks the labor process in work: - constant development - increased quality of services - work routine is easier to perceive - Self-esteem increases, you are no longer just “hello” , I’m a psychologist,” and “hi, I’m a psychologist who wrote an article about work”)) A dream job is a job that involves development. Remember what you love to do and look there. Will the talents and skills in the skills column of this particular profession be revealed? A new task at work is a chance for development, and with such an attitude it is easier to perceive any routine work process. Through work you find yourself. It doesn’t matter what profession you have now, what matters is what you become with it. Isn't it? Self-made man Thank you if you read this! :) (Everything is mentally inspired by the analysis written in the study http://www.the-village.ru/village/city/direct-speech/..: ... but for now let’s continue) From the article: “Compared to the past , it seems that young people now have more choice, and most importantly, the desire to find a job that will allow them to realize themselves, thinking less about the “right” careers. Free choice is what will allow you to be happier. Another question is how useful this is to society. in general, how important is it to have many freelancers and, for example, few engineers? I don't know?. "