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From the author: Children are our mirror! Take care of your reflection How to teach a child to respect and love their parents Very often we receive complaints from parents of grown-up children. The children have grown up, minding their own business and not communicating with their parents. “He talks to me as if I’m a stranger to him!” or even worse: “My son doesn’t respect me!” When we hear these phrases and look at our little affectionate children with tenderness: “No, this won’t happen to me, my child is the best and the best.” And indeed, that’s the way it is, at least now. Today you are your baby’s best friend and protector. He will always tell you his joys and simple childhood sorrows. And if you want this to continue, never refuse to listen to these stories. Do not interrupt the baby, and ask questions only if the child is ready to answer them. Remember, if you refuse to listen to your baby’s news several times, then he himself will not want to tell you about it. He will sincerely think that you are not interested. In order for your baby to respect you, respect him. Pay attention to how you treat your child and other people in the presence of your baby. Never scold your child in the presence of strangers, even if he has done something very wrong. Let the child always know that the person closest to him will never humiliate him. Remember that for a child under 7-8 years old you are a role model. And since you behave with other people, in the baby’s opinion, he can behave with you too. Also keep track of what kind of relationship you have with your husband (wife). After all, if you disrespect your partner, then don’t expect anything different the child's relationship with mom and dad. Read to your baby more books that talk about parents and children, read poetry, sing or listen to songs and music with your baby. Try to do more household chores together. For family holidays, prepare gifts for all family members, even grandparents. From an early age, a child should know the rule that family is the most precious thing he has, and that good relationships in the family must be protected and supported. Teach your child to empathize. Pay attention to the kid if anyone gets hurt in your family. Feel sorry for mom who cut her finger or dad who hit his leg. Tell them that mom (dad) is in pain, that you need to feel sorry for them and sympathize with them. Ask your child how to help, what to do. Let the child learn and understand that people close to each other should help each other and take care of each other. Teach your child to always think about loved ones. If you buy something tasty, then buy for the whole family, not just the baby. And if you don’t have enough money, it’s better not to buy at all or share, always unequal parts. And most importantly, by your own example of communicating with your parents, that is, grandparents, show how you love your parents. Don't be shy about showing your feelings, in front of them and in front of your child. Take care of the elderly. Let your child absorb this, let it be normal for him. And then, after many years, you will continue to have a good relationship. Children will always be interested in your health, take care of you and will not be shy to show you their love. Material prepared by teacher-psychologist Shishkanova O