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Nowadays it is fashionable to call everything a trauma: a shout from a manager, the rudeness of a saleswoman in a store, a quarrel with a colleague, etc. Life hacks: how to distinguish an injury? 1. If a person coherently talks about the events that led to the injury, this is not an injury. A traumatic event causes disruptions in the mental processing of what is happening. That is, he erases something due to unbearability, rewrites something. “My father beat me so much as a child, I was very afraid and ran into the barn, where I hid until he calmed down” - not a trauma, but a terrible stressful experience, which the psyche dealt with, digested and left as a memory. “I don’t understand what happened. We were with the children in the shopping center and suddenly this clown, his laughter and the sound of this bell, or I don’t know what. I didn’t understand How did I end up on the floor? Help, I don’t understand what’s happening.” is a trauma or traumatic experience that triggers reactions in the brain and bodily reactions due to certain events: sounds, smells, visual components.2. Pay attention to the body of the person speaking. If at the time of the story the body is relaxed and does not react, then most likely we are talking about an unpleasant experience. If during the story the body shrinks, freezes, makes some movements, this may be an injury.3. Nowadays they really like to scare mothers that they have injured their child if they screamed at him - this is not so. Mom may be angry - that's normal. It’s normal to explain to the child what happened, to apologize if you really went too far. Of course, it’s better not to scream, but with the emotional and physical stress of mothers of small children, maintaining elephantine confidence and calm is very difficult. What to do? - Remember that screaming, displaying healthy aggression does not injure the child/mother/grandmother and the saleswoman, if he is not constant, aggressive and there is no other way. - Take care of yourself: food, sleep, sex, bath, nature, psychologist.- If you yourself grew up in traumatic circumstances, contact a specialist to learn how to show emotions appropriately to the situation and help your children be in contact with their parent. - If your partner shows aggression towards you or your children, contact the nearest social protection service. There are strong traumas that manifest themselves precisely with the advent of family and children, because they trigger mechanisms that were formed within the family circle. Remember that if you want to live differently, you always have time and opportunities for this. Yes, it will not be easy, but it is simply necessary to go in that direction. First individual consultation with a psychologist - 1500 rubles. Group meeting April 21, 2024 - in St. Petersburg