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(The brutal truth about why you still don’t sleep with the Goddess. Please do not read weak, infantile men with an inferiority complex.) “The fact that I am an ordinary person does not prevent me from falling in love with extraordinary women.” One very a wise man said Istok There is no room for compromise in choosing a life partner. If your woman doesn't excite you sexually, she's not your woman. And if you don’t have one yet, then this article is for you. This is not a pickup truck. You won't find any seduction instructions here. In this article I want to tell you something more important about choosing a partner. If you are over 20 years old, but when you wake up in the morning, you do not feel on your shoulder an absolutely amazing, divine creature with bottomless eyes and velvety skin, the Goddess, who gently presses her elastic breasts to you - know that the reason is one thing - you , in your ideas (beliefs, beliefs) about yourself as a man, in your ideas about divine beings - Women and how “nu-nu” and “shura-murs” actually work. And one more thing - immediately pay attention to what is happening in general in your relationships with people. Do you have problems in relationships with people who are significant to you? Is there a problem in making new acquaintances? If there are such problems, then this will significantly affect your relationships with girls and the possibility of their implementation. In order to master the art of meeting girls and choosing the one you want, it is enough to know just a few secrets of female psychology. In this article I will reveal these secrets to you. But the main thing is to transfer the knowledge of these secrets to the level of skills and abilities. Then they will automatically work for you 24 hours a day. And acquaintances with charming strangers will pour in like from a cornucopia. All that remains is to choose the best of the best. A goddess slipping out of your hands or 9 reasons for unsuccessful dating. Remember at least one episode in your life when you met an incredibly beautiful sexy girl who happened to be next to you, and with whom you practically fell in love at first sight and for whom you were ready to do anything : forget about fishing, beer, football, friends, cars and everything else that has the highest values ​​in life for you. I will never believe that you didn’t have an episode like this in your life at least once. Remember her voice. How did she look? Her face, eyes, lips, hands, hair, chest, skin, waist, hips, legs. What were you wearing? And this divine creature...passed by you. You couldn’t talk to her and she...disappeared from your life without a trace. What could you say to her that would make her stop, smile, melt. What can you do to conquer her, hug her, kiss her, tear off her clothes? With unexpected pain you realize that your hands will never touch her breasts, you will never hold her elastic buttocks in your hands, you will never bite her neck , do not feel the passionate kiss of her moist, cherry lips. Why did you chicken out? If only you could feel like a hero at this moment and find those magic words that would make her stop and carry on a conversation with you... But here’s another story. “I was riding on the bus. Across the aisle from me sat a red-haired beauty with huge bright green eyes and breasts so large that I almost fell out of my seat. This breast cried out for affection. I looked at the redhead. She looked at me and they both turned away. Then she looked at me again, and I at her. And we looked away again. It was as if we were studying each other without touching. But in order to touch her, something had to be said. I understood that it was time to act. But I couldn't. I was afraid. Did not know. What to say. And before I could gather my courage, the bus stopped, the girl got out and disappeared forever. I was broken. For a moment I was able to flirt with the goddess. But then I ruined everything...I literally released her from my clumsy, nervous fingers. I was incredibly angry with myself. And I swore that this would never happen to me again.” This guy turned out to be Eric Weber. And after this meeting, a brilliant idea came to him: “What if you don’t ask the beautiful girls themselves how to get to know them?” And the beauties told him how to pick them up. Eric published a book: “How to Meet Girls,” which became a worldwide bestseller. This is a book that encourages action. I recommend. The main reason for the lack of satisfactory relationships, which lies in ideas, and which does not allow young people to flirt with the Goddesses of beauty and sexuality, gives rise to many more manifested and conscious reasons. Most often such reasons are: Fear of rejection. Low self-esteem as a man. Complexes (the first places are taken up - an inferiority complex and a victim complex) There is a negative experience of communicating with the female sex, for example, resentment towards the entire female gender or hatred towards the entire female sex. You have come up with the idea that there are more important things in your life, for example, work or study. You are tormented a banal fear of close relationships, which you may even be afraid to admit to yourself (girls, by the way, feel this immediately and walk past you without stopping - they don’t need a coward man). You have a false idea of ​​​​your capabilities and abilities (I am a worthless man. I am not what you are not capable of, etc.). You are afraid of the material side of living together. No one taught you how to communicate properly with people, including how to properly meet a girl (lack of skills). The format of this article does not allow us to dwell in detail on all these reasons, but It’s worth talking about some of them now. 1. Fear of rejection. This is one of the most significant obstacles to close relationships. Behind this fear is the threat of rejection. I am not loved, I am not accepted, I am rejected, and perhaps the man also tells himself that he is not like everyone else and is therefore doomed to loneliness. This fear appears if one of the basic psychological needs is not satisfied - the affiliative need (the need for recognition, love and approval). This becomes a “sore” topic for a person and another refusal is experienced very acutely. Freeing yourself from this fear is not easy. Most likely, you will need a good specialist for this. For those who are not ready to turn to a specialist for help, I want to ask a question: “Are there men who have never been refused by a single woman?” I remember the joke about Lieutenant Rzhevsky, whom women beat in the face for his obscene proposals, but more often... they agreed. Each of us had refusals. The reality is that any man can get rejected. This is fine. It happens.2. Low self-esteem as a man will not allow you to be with the woman who is actually desirable for you. You will be with those who will not suit you. So, what do you want Goddess? You will have to accept yourself for who you really are. Do you think that you might not like yourself for who you really are? Maybe. But in order to become better, you must first become yourself. 4. There are negative experiences with the female sex. Your negative experience is a consequence of the fact that at the time it happened, you could not do otherwise. This can really turn you off from women. Finally, forgive them and yourself too. Sometimes this is easy to do, sometimes difficult, sometimes very difficult. But you do it anyway. Do it yourself or with the help of a specialist, but do it anyway. At that moment you did not have all the necessary resources - knowledge, experience, understanding, strength, abilities in order to act effectively and win the girl’s favor. This should be understood. And forgive. In relationships with the female sex, the mother is of great importance. The first woman in a man's life is his mother. The mother lays the foundation for future relationships with the opposite sex. If there is incomplete acceptanceyour mother, this is also a problem that needs to be solved. 5. You came up with the idea that there are more important things in your life, for example, work or study. Exactly, you came up with it. Not a single woman has yet been able to prevent a man from achieving his achievements, because everything we do is done primarily for their sake. For we are men, deeply convinced that our achievements help us achieve the affection of the fair sex. All great people noted the significant role of a girlfriend or wife who was next to them and without whom it would have been simply impossible to reach the top. The only thing you need for a bold union with a woman is that she loves you. Does not love? So fall in love! Take action! Get started! The point is that a loving woman greatly influences the manifestation of strength and success by her man. Do you want to be strong and successful? Act, charm, make her fall in love with you! 6. You are tormented by a banal fear of close relationships, which you may even be afraid to admit to yourself (girls, by the way, feel this immediately and walk past you without stopping - they don’t need a coward man). And you need to free yourself from this fear. And it is best to do this with the help of a specialist. But for those who are not able to decide to turn to a specialist for help, I will say one thing - you can act in the old “old-fashioned” ways: go at your own risk, be afraid, but do it, do exactly as much as you can, let go of this fear in small ways doses. Begin to be afraid, but be afraid with all your might! Fear is what prevents people from achieving meaningful success in life, and until you can free yourself from it and until you learn to overcome it, you cannot do anything. 7.You have a false idea of ​​your capabilities and abilities. Lack of self-confidence gives rise to 80% of all psychological problems of an individual. Where does it come from? It comes from the fact that you are not engaged in revealing the potential of your own personality. This is almost never taught at home or at school. But this work must last a lifetime, because the potential and abilities of any person are truly enormous. And few of us use more than 10% of our capabilities in life. This leads to a decrease in your own self-esteem and to the fact that in your own eyes you are not an attractive person. The influence of this factor is extremely strong. And so let’s look at it in more detail. Are you not a socially significant person? A man looks for a woman, first of all, to have spectacular appearance and sexuality, but a woman appreciates his social significance in a man. Why is this so? What's the matter? And finally, what kind of man can be considered a socially significant person? To answer this question briefly, this is the quality of a man that allows a woman to feel like a woman. This is the quality that makes a woman feel feminine and desirable. These are such qualities of a man as strength and masculinity, the ability to take care of his family, create the necessary material conditions, solve numerous problems and protect his family if necessary. Before you find her, you must find yourself. Otherwise the meeting will not take place. There will be no one to meet, dating will not work. Before you start saying something to a girl in order to get to know her, you need to learn the first and most important thing: it is best to remain yourself. This is the best technique. Are you poorly versed in female psychology? In his unforgettable bestseller, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie writes: “Every summer I go fishing in Maine. I personally love strawberries and cream, but I've found that for some strange reason the fish prefer the worms. Therefore, when I go fishing, I don’t think about what I want. I think about what the fish wants. I don't bait a hook with a strawberry and cream, but I lure the fish with a worm or a grasshopper, saying, "Would you like to try it?" Why don't we do the same smart thing to attract people to us?" You need her big, beautiful, firm breasts, thin waist,Absolutely charming lines of hips and buttocks, incredibly slender sexy legs, huge eyes and a gentle voice? To get all this, you need one thing - that the girl wants to show you favor and give you the opportunity to get it all. And when will she do this? And what does she need? What does she really want? You need to understand this and make sure you understand it correctly. Find it and give it to her. Weak, oh? What did you want? For no reason? It doesn't happen that way. The world only cares about what you can give it. David Wong, in his acclaimed “Six Hard Truths That Will Make You a Better Person” (translated at Bright Side) writes about this: “...I read several dozen stories a year from desperate, lonely guys. These guys are angry that women don't want to be with them, even though they're the cutest guys in the world. I can explain what is wrong with such a set of mental attitudes, but Alec Baldwin will again do it much better than me. Baldwin plays the role of attractive women. They, of course, do not speak so directly and harshly - society teaches us not to be honest with people - but the essence is the same. "Good guy? Who cares? If you want to work here, follow the plan." "What? Are you saying that I won't have a good girlfriend until I have a good salary and a lot of money?" No, your brain jumps to the conclusion so that you have an excuse to ignore anyone who is not with you I agree because he's just shallow and selfish. I ask what do you suggest? You are clever? Funny? Interesting? Talented? Ambitious? Creative? Ok, what do you do to demonstrate these qualities to the world? Don't say you're a good guy - that's not enough. Pretty girls have guys who are nice to them 36 times a day. A patient is bleeding to death on the street. Do you know how to operate on him or not? “Well, I’m not sexist, not racist, not greedy, not cruel! Not like the other bastards!”... don’t complain that girls fall for bastards; they fall for scumbags because those scumbags have something to offer them. “But I’m a good listener!” Yes? Because you want to sit quietly instead of getting the chance to be intimate with a pretty girl (and spend every second daydreaming about how soft her skin is)? Now imagine that in this girl’s life there is another guy who knows how to listen, and he also plays the guitar. Saying you're a good guy is like being a restaurant that doesn't sell different dishes, but just "food that won't poison you." You're like a new movie with the title "Cinema in English" and the tagline "The actors are clearly visible." I think this is the reason why you can be a "good guy" and still feel terrible about yourself. Namely..."You hate yourself because you don't do anything! "And what? Are you saying I should read a book on how to get a girl? Yes, but only if step one in that book is “Become the person girls want to be around.” This step is always left out. Always “How can I find a job?”, not “How can I become the person employers dream of?” Always “How can I make beautiful girls like me?”, not “How can I become someone that beautiful girls like?” See, this is all because the second questions will most likely require you to give up many of your favorite hobbies, pay more attention to your appearance, and God knows what else. You may even have to change your personality. “But why can’t I find someone who will love me for who I am?” you ask. Answer: Because people need a lot. The victim is bleeding and all you can do is watch and suffer, there are no gunshot wounds in the world that heal on their own. Here's another video. What stops you from throwing on your underpants and cape, jumping on stage and waving your penis in public? This guyknows the secret of victory in human life: doing something... is better than not doing it. “But I’m not good at everything!” Well, I have good news - with enough repetition time, you can be good at everything. I was the shittiest writer ever when I was a teenager. I got a little better at 25. And while I was desperately failing in my career, I wrote in my spare time for eight years straight, an article a week, before I started getting paid for it. It took me 13 years to become a good enough writer to be on the NewYorkTimes Best Sellers list. It took me 20,000 hours of practice to perfect my shitty lyrics." 8. You are afraid of the material side of life together. Yes, women love money. You know that. But what do you think about this? If you think it's bad, it's bad for you. Because you are missing out on the powerful way to attract a woman into your life through money. If you consider yourself above this, then either you are a pathetic “wimp” due to the fact that you are not able to earn enough, or you are simply a greedy person. In any case, forget about luxurious shoulders and amazing curves of the hips - masturbation is your destiny. There are no women on the planet who like men who are wimps, losers and greedy. In fact, girls are not as materialistic as they might seem. Yes, they are materialists by nature. After all, they have to build a family nest, give birth to children, put on shoes and clothes, feed and heal. All this requires money. But has anyone else been unable to find a solution to all these problems? Their conversations and demands about material wealth are greatly exaggerated. In fact, they are willing to make do with less, especially if you are her man. Where to begin? So, you have decided to take this step. You decided to meet the first girl you liked. You approach her, try to talk to her and are refused. This situation is absolutely normal. You must be prepared to receive a refusal. This is exactly what you will receive. What does it mean? This absolutely does not mean that the girl does not want you to get to know her. This is a completely normal defensive reaction of a girl to an unfamiliar man addressing her. Firstly, as a child she most likely received a psychological program from her parents and relatives: “You can’t talk to strangers.” Naturally, this program has not gone away and continues to work to this day. Secondly, the woman plays. Pretends it's hard to get. She doesn't want to be seen as easy to get. So sometimes a man has to wait. A very good reason why a girl doesn’t immediately make contact is the fear of seeming too accessible to you. Look how surprisingly simple everything is. And how easily you now take control of the situation: You approach and make an attempt to meet a girl. And you already know the result in advance - you will receive a refusal. You already know what will happen to you, and you know why she will do it. What next, you ask, should you do in this situation? Does this give me something? It gives me a lot. “Forewarned is forearmed,” says army wisdom. This is not yet a refusal. Continue the conversation with her. Use your entire arsenal of dating methods. But if this does not help, you will have to leave the girl alone. The main thing is to try, but not to overdo it. It's a delicate matter. Leave the girl alone and mind your own business. What you do next is decided by the situation. If it is possible to leave the girl alone for a while and return to her again, do it. This is a very flexible and effective move. Trying again will no longer be so unnatural for her. After all, you almost know each other already. If contact with a girl is lost forever, lose it easily. The day is not over, therefore, today you can meet another, even more attractive girl. The research carried out by E. Weber, to which I referred above, led him to the unequivocal discovery of a simple truth, which can be called - one in ten. One of ten And here it is, the main secret to successfully meeting girls -make 10 attempts to meet those who really fascinate you from the first minute, who cause you sexual delight. There is no need to dig and analyze whether she wants to get to know you now, whether she has someone or not. At least one out of 10 will definitely have a positive attitude towards you and will meet you. The story that happened to me was as follows: “I drove up to the store to buy water for tea. As I approached the door, I heard an invitation from two pretty girls to try a new product - baked turkey meat. One of the girls was not just pretty, she was simply a beauty with huge breasts, a slender figure, thin hands, and a beautiful face. Having tasted turkey meat, and despite the large age difference, I asked her a question: “Is she married?” (While I was eating, I already managed to see that she didn’t have a ring on the ring finger of her right hand). “No,” the girl answered, I’m not married. “So let’s get married,” I suggested to her. The girl smiled and said what kind of strangers She’s not getting married. “So let’s get acquainted.” And we met, but then the girl became embarrassed and I decided not to put pressure on her. It was clear that she would have to spend more than one hour in this place. I went into the store, bought water, and when leaving the store I again started a conversation with her on the topic that in order for us to get married we needed to get to know each other better. And for this you need to meet, for example, tonight. The girl said that this was impossible, since they had to distribute all the samples and it would not be soon. I began to help distribute the samples. A crowd of people immediately gathered around and things moved faster. But the girl did not make further contact. I asked her for her phone number. She said she didn't have a phone. As a result, we parted with her, although the phrase came out of her mouth: “Yeah, they wanted a phone number, sometime next time.” It sounded something like “after the rain on Thursday, you will receive a phone number from me on a dry Friday.” I left. And he arrived in one hour. I approached her and said that it had happened for the second time and that it was time to give me the phone. And... the girl gave her phone number. SMS correspondence began, and the next weekend we went to the lake with her. And after a few more meetings, unexpectedly for me, she herself wanted it, without effort or hints on my part, and it was one of the most striking sexual episodes in my life. Everything was so unexpected.” There is one thing that is immediately obvious and requires no comment. Be nice to her from the first minute you meet her. Tell her this and do this to her, after which she will repeat the phrase: “I am pleased.” And you will become a nice man for her. “When it comes to women, nice men finish first.” E. Weber. And here is another secret of female psychology: “Almost all women are not confident in themselves. Therefore, she will like everything that increases her self-esteem, everything that increases her self-confidence. She needs it. Otherwise, she will not open up, and you will never see a real woman.” If a man is nice to a girl, she does not think that he is trying to get anything from her. She easily believes that he really likes him as a woman, as a person, and that is why he behaves this way. How and whom a man chooses. Pitfalls of male choice Who and how does a man choose? Real beauties. Spectacular with beautiful faces, long legs and sexy figures. Yes exactly! Yes, that’s right, if we are talking about a short-term sexual relationship. What if we are talking about choosing a girlfriend or wife for the long term, for the rest of our lives? Is this a suitable choice in this case? The question is ambiguous. In marriage, a man needs not only a mistress in bed, but he also needs many other qualities of a girl. What matters here is what kind of mother she will make, whether she will be able to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house, and whether she will be able to survive difficult times together. Girls who have all these qualities do not always have the appearance of Hollywood beauties, but this does not stop them from beinghappy wives and girlfriends. Any relationship with a girl is fraught with danger. Almost all of them, when they go to bed with you, deep down in their souls expect more. Therefore, choose those girls for whom you are ready to do anything at once. And if the breakup occurs on her initiative, then you will not have any problems with her. Have you forgotten that children can be born from sex? Moreover, there are no 100% reliable ways to prevent pregnancy. How does my condition influence my choices? The first and almost only thing that allows you to get to know a girl is talking to her. And here fear paralyzes the mouth and deprives a man of the opportunity to be a man. Nature has assigned a man an active role in relationships with a woman. You should always remember this. A man pestering a girl is normal. In order to pick up a girl, a special psycho-emotional state is required. A positive psycho-emotional wave is needed. An important condition for successfully dealing with girls is a state of relaxation and inner peace. A tense facial expression and nervousness in your actions will make the girl wary, and most likely she will not make contact with you in this state. And you will wonder why she didn’t make contact with you. In order not to worry at the moment of meeting and to be calm, think about what such a terrible thing can happen when meeting a girl. - Could you die? The answer is no. Will you be deprived of your freedom and you will go to prison? And again the answer is no. What if her husband appears and hits you on the neck? Well, so what? Or do you think that he will take your life? But then “F” your problem will be solved. You will no longer have to look for the woman of your dreams. Or do you think that she herself will beat you and make you crippled? The worst thing she can do is hit you in the face with her palm or scold you or call you unpleasant names. But you won't die from it. And this is quite rare. The most likely reaction is that she will simply ignore your words and appeal to her. And if you don’t act like a fool, then in 10 minutes you can try your luck with another girl. The worst thing that can happen is the pain that can occur if you refuse. But you haven’t forgotten that failure is inevitable! But if, nevertheless, pain arises, you need to explore this pain and free yourself from it. It is this kind of research that can help you bring yourself out of the “frozen” state of infantility, which has been lasting for you for perhaps more than a year. Research and relief from pain is best done with a psychologist who is good at working with such problems. What to do if you can’t relax? Then don’t try to relax. The more and faster you want to do it, the more worried you will be. About 50% of all girls like shy, awkward guys. When she sees such a man, it allows her to feel more confident against his background. In addition, your excitement can play an invaluable service for you - the girl can take it personally. When you saw her for the first time, you were so shocked that you really became excited. A very important point is the mindset that you are an irresistible person and not a single girl in the world is able to refuse you. Boundless belief that you are an attractive and irresistible person. But the most important thing in the internal state when meeting is that the girl you are trying to meet must believe that you are in love with her. This is what determines whether you will succeed with her or whether she will refuse you. A woman cannot stand the situation if she discovers that the reason for your acquaintance is that she is pretty or has beautiful breasts or slender legs. She dreams of being extraordinary, unique, charming , sexy, unlike anyone else, a queen, the only one in the world. This is her psychological projection - a woman needs one man, and she thinks about herself in the same category. Do you want to meet a girl because of her charms? To do this you will have toforget and remain silent and not think about it until a situation arises when you only need to talk about it a lot and passionately. Then don’t forget to “tell her everything” what she’s like...!!! Can't help but think about it? Then at least pretend that her charms do not bother you. You will have to find unusualness and uniqueness in her, you will have to behave with her like a Queen or Princess, and then she will give you her heart. Every girl believes in her exclusivity and specialness, and she wants to hear about it. She must believe that the only reason for your attention is because the girl is so attractive, unique and unusual that you cannot resist. And if you have not yet truly understood that this is so, your restrictions should not bring her suffering and affect your relationship. It's your problem. Work on your perception. Understand and find the uniqueness and originality of your girl as quickly as possible. After all, this is how it really is. If you are an honest person, then you will simply love her from the first minute of your acquaintance. Abilities, skills, abilities. Everything that is said above is ultimately aimed at understanding oneself and female psychology. And we do this in order to change the attitude and outlook on the process of meeting girls. Learn to truly get to know the Desired Ones, and not those who happen to be available to you. All this requires a change in behavior, activation of your hidden and conscious abilities, skills and abilities. Destructive behavioral patterns must be blocked, but new constructive ones must be reinforced as automatic behavioral skills. Meeting girls correctly requires your skills. Without developing these skills, it is impossible to achieve success. And the best way to form them is to undergo training in meeting girls, developing new skills and integrating them into real life, i.e. start getting acquainted, getting acquainted and getting acquainted again. - And where does this get acquainted? - Do you have such a question? I will answer those who don’t know where to get acquainted - everywhere. Streets, parks, squares, squares, bus stops, transport, parties, cafes , restaurants, exhibitions, libraries, churches, offices, social networks, dating sites, clubs, etc. Everywhere. Take action! So, we got acquainted with female psychology, with the need to develop an appropriate state and develop the necessary skills. The time has come for action. How to do this? The first and almost only thing that allows you to get to know a girl is talking to her. I will not dwell in detail on what and how to tell her. But I'll tell you what she shouldn't say. You want to meet a girl because she has beautiful breasts that make your head spin, or she has the face of Miss Russia or the waist and hip line like a Spanish guitar. This is exactly what she doesn’t need to say. Pretend that you do not notice her beauty and charms until it comes to the moment of inevitable intimacy. When meeting girls, you should remember that nature itself made sure that your acquaintance was successful. Getting to know a girl is a completely natural, natural process and the main forces that bring you together is libido - mutual sexual attraction. And it’s not just you who is attracted to the girl by this force. The sexual desire of girls is no less strong than that of men. They want to be caressed, hugged, kissed, have sex with them no less, and perhaps more, than men want the same. What is stopping them from doing this right now, right immediately after you said to a stranger: “Hello. I want to make love right now.” Do you think about the principles of society, standards of decency, basic safety? No. A woman is too emotional a creature and logic ceases to matter to her if... What? If she sees HER MAN in front of her! If she sees that this is HER MAN, she is ready for anything at once. This is the main secret to the success of meeting girls. girl youchooses. You don't have to worry about being liked. You don't have to make any effort. The girl will make her own choice. We have no power to influence it. You can't make her love you. Relations between the sexes are regulated at a very deep unconscious level. The girl subconsciously chooses a man who can give her healthy offspring, strengthening the genetics of her children. And if she does not catch this impulse from you, you will never be with her, you will never be happy with her, no matter how much effort you make. A girl needs only one man (A man wants one thing, but from all women. A woman wants everything, but from one man. N. Fomenko “Russian Radio”). Therefore, it is always the girl who chooses. A deep understanding of this truth creates the necessary basis for successfully meeting a girl. We like a large number of girls. And we are ready to go to bed with them right away. This is our advantage, because we can do WHAT WE REALLY WANT! Because it is quite natural for a man to meet two, three... ten girls in one day. So go for it! Create a situation where a girl can really choose you. The whole secret of successful dating is not to focus on one, the whole secret is in the number of attempts to start a relationship. The number of attempts is critical here. Don’t break into closed doors when there are hundreds of open doors in front of you that are no less attractive, and maybe even more attractive. The only thing we can do is not prevent the girl from making her choice. We, strong beings, are powerless in the face of women's choices. The only thing we can do is to create favorable conditions for her choice. Have you forgotten the most important secret of dating? One of ten And here it is, the main secret of successfully meeting girls - make 10 attempts to meet those who really fascinate you from the first minute who gives you sexual delight. There is no need to dig and analyze whether she wants to get to know you now, whether she has someone or not. At least one out of 10 will definitely have a positive attitude towards you and will go for an acquaintance. How not to prevent a nice girl from choosing you? 1. Make sure that your natural smell is not spoiled. A man's scent is of paramount importance. The unconscious level at which a girl chooses a man is largely based on the smell that comes from the man. What is the difference between a man and a man? A man smells like a man, and a man smells like a woman. Pheromones are absolutely amazing hormones that have a smell. And that’s what a man smells like. And it is by them that a girl recognizes her man. Your smell is a powerful weapon to seduce beauties. This means that if you want a girl to find you by smell, you need to make sure that you do not fight off this smell. How can you fight it off? The smell of a dirty, sweaty body Cheap cologne or deodorant The smell of tobacco The smell of alcohol Bad breath due to eating poor-quality food or diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs.2. Remove a tense or gloomy facial expression. 3. Smile sincerely. Any man is sexually attractive. But men's sexual attractiveness is different from women's. What do women find sexually attractive in men? You will be amazed. Women are complicated things. If a group of guys see a girl with big breasts and an enticing curve to her hips, they will all go crazy and start nudging each other. It's different for women. Their tastes are much more individual. It is impossible to predict in advance what a given woman will find sexy in a given man. Men go crazy over a woman's breasts, lips, eyes, hair, thin waist, curve of her hips, incomprehensible buttocks on which you can put a glass of water, her slender, long legs. Women may go for what you least bet on. They may be attracted to a man's hands, chin, nose, eyes, sloping shoulders, freckles, hair, buttocks, or the way your shirt or pants fit. In his book, Eric Webergives the following example: “My friend once met a girl on the beach who tripped over his feet and fell. She was attracted to his feet, mind you. She herself told him about it the next morning in bed. “Do you know why I let you pick me up yesterday?” – she asked. “Because I’ve never seen such attractive, sexy feet like yours.” He could not even imagine that it was possible to achieve success with a woman if he simply walked next to her without shoes. All this leads to the main conclusion. You may not consider yourself the most handsome guy in town, but thousands of attractive girls will think that you have wonderful eyelashes, or beautiful eyes, or fantastic cheeks. Without realizing it, you have some incredible feature that literally drives women crazy. How can you look more attractive and sexier? 1. Long hair 2. Mysteriousness and inaccessibility 3. Experience of sexual seduction 4. Red color in clothes 5. Scarf 6. Scarf 7 .Expensive, sophisticated perfume 8. Manicure and pedicure 9. Extravagant clothing 10. Dramatic look (unbutton your shirt collar, wear dark glasses) 11. Get rid of hair sticking out of the nose and ears (if any) 12. No one likes a guy who seems to be apologizing for your existence. If a guy believes that he is sexy, that he is worth something, the battle is half won. 13. Don't hide your advantages. Advertise them unobtrusively and without repeating “I”s. If you sing well or play the guitar, a girl should know about it. 14. Watch your appearance, try to always be attractive in appearance. There is a myth that a man's appearance is not important to women. It is a myth. Women are more aesthetics than men. In fact, it is important, but for women not as much as for men. 15. Watch your posture. Your posture is always that of a hero.16. Voice, voice and more voice. Your voice can have a very strong influence on a woman. Your voice is the voice of the leader of the pack. This is the voice of a strong man. This is the voice of seduction (remember “The Merger of Two Moons”). This is the voice of passion, this is the voice of sex. Learn to use your voice like a musical instrument. And so that the timbre is both tone and overtones. And no squeaky voices. 17. Call your girlfriend by name as often as possible. This is a huge power of influence on her. But before you do this, find out from her whether she likes her name. If not, find another pet name for her that she will like. 18. Smile. Express your affection and friendliness with a smile. The power of a smile is great. 19. Let the woman know that you are very sexy. Women love it. How to do it? Talk to them about sex. Get her interested in the fact that you can experience incredibly pleasant sensations from sex. Three pearls of male seduction A man who wants to meet a girl has in his arsenal something that can work wonders of seduction. These are the three “pearls” in his gentleman’s set of seduction - flowers, gifts, compliments. Flowers Before giving flowers to a girl, start a conversation with her about flowers. Find out from her what flowers she prefers. What color, for example, roses, does she like best? Try to give her flowers when she least expects them. For this promotion to be successful, you must choose flowers from the heart. Even if there are fewer of them (for example, you can give one rose), but these will be the best flowers in the entire flower market. They should be chic, luxurious, magnificent. After all, this is exactly the girl you chose. Give her flowers from the heart. Although almost all girls love to be given flowers, there are those who do not like or do not want to come home with them. If you establish that this is the case, there is no need to give her flowers. It is better to give some gift that she could buy for herself. Gifts Gifts, gift giving is one of the five languages ​​of Love (“The Five Love Languages” by Geri Chapman) and this is one of the easiest ways to capture a woman’s heart. Giving to a woman present -!