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From the author: I’m tired of fighting prejudices... I always had enough of them... And let the centuries bet... You can never refute them all... Vladislav Amelin This article is another thoughtful look at the nature of prejudice and ways to overcome them. LIFE EXPERIENCE Our world is inhabited by billions of people with their own, unique life experiences. Some are proud of it, some consider it insignificant, and some consider it completely empty and meaningless. And experience, the son of difficult mistakes, And genius, a friend of paradoxes... This is how the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin described the path of knowledge, marking the various stages of life’s achievements, losses, mistakes and prejudices. Any experience is inherently subjective, and it is literally replete with misconceptions, false attitudes, limiting beliefs, based not so much on personal comprehension, but on the perception of information presented each time under a different sauce. For if we were guided only by our own experience, we would be less dependent on public opinion, but would be limited , only your own narrowly illuminated picture of the worldview. On the other hand, too often looking at the opinions of others, unconscious and subconscious adherence to certain social models leads to a kind of depersonalization, that is, it deprives the personality of its unique and unique individual originality and significance. This happens until until a person becomes aware. Only then does O/PY/T become nothing more than the awareness of an inquisitive creator. PREJUDICES, STEREOTYPES AND PREJUDICES We are all essentially sponges and mirrors, absorbing each other’s reflections. And this applies to our entire nature, which for the time being does not become understood by us and, accordingly, manageable. Until then, human thinking, as well as often its reactions and behavior, is driven by irrational impulses and the models of existence that it has internalized, in accordance with its immediate perception of the world. This kind of uncriticality of thinking and the absence of reflection, as a present element of the thinking, individual consciousness, is nothing more than as a prejudice, or a certain idea taken on faith as a given or fact. Prejudice, as an element of mass unconscious opinion, has “brothers and sisters” - clichés, stereotypes, prejudices, restrictions, misconceptions, cliches, superstitions. Racial and sexual, family and age-related, religious and traditional prejudices, stereotypes and prejudices in their essence are a reflected model of social society with its “cultural heritage”. The most constraining of them are stereotypes and prejudices, which, like shackles, constrain the movement towards natural and unbiased knowledge, burdening them with dogmas, digging into ideologies and calluses of superstitions. Sometimes they become so embedded in a person’s being, especially in his personal ego nature, that the obvious lameness of thought already seems natural and has always existed. That’s why opinion independent of authorities, reasonable judgment and clear, unbiased thinking look so contrasting. And when they are found holistically in one individual, then we see an interesting, open and creative person, with his own unique history and non-standard life position. For many representatives of the human race, traces of civilization are deposited in the form of subconscious social cliches, called differently, but often with a key dominant – ignorance. It is especially sad when ignorance is not from the lack of correct knowledge, but from ignoring it. And here we cannot do without complete complacency and morbid vanity, which in turn carefully mask suspicious bias, stereotypes and limited stereotypical thinking. I have often in my life met people endowed with “power” or special powers in some area with a similar set of clichés . Among them are politicians and businessmen, editors of serious publishing houses, medical workers and teachers, churchministers and officials at various levels. The worst thing is when these functionaries, with their thoughtlessness, block the movement of talented and innovatively thinking people through the streets of life, artificially creating congestion for their free creativity. In their self-delusion, they sometimes reach the extreme point - intolerance, outright rudeness and even persecution of dissidents . In a word - ballast, aggravating the soaring to the heights of the spirit... So why do prejudices, like grape branches intertwined in random trees and gradually taking away their territories with the subsequent opportunity to freely bear fruit, become almost tightly ingrained with human nature? And all because the inferior the mind or ego is the most inert part of our nature and it is most “comfortable” to hide its uncertainty, doubts, delusions and ignorance behind the prickly fence of prejudices and tall, thick walls of mistrust. And to fight this personally parasitic tyranny of false, imposed and disunited views and opinions , judgments, beliefs is by no means easy if a person does not have the tools of discrimination that allow him to consider any information, even seemingly indisputable, objectively, without taking everything on faith, naively believing that the “authorities” are not mistaken. GET RID OF PREJUDICES Having learned to observe, compare, reflect, analyze the information received, supported by an intuitive sense of self, subsequently synthesizing and integrating it with your store of experimental knowledge, you will reach a qualitatively higher level of existence - reasonably thoughtful, with independent judgment and opinion. One way or another, getting rid of stereotypes and prejudices is necessary if you want to see the world in its spectral diversity, without stepping on your own rake of misunderstanding in various situations of everyday life. I offer you my own recipes for getting rid of the ignorant rubbish of unconscious patterns and alien programs implanted in stereotypes and prejudices and perceived by many as their own: learn to discern (the unity of mind - spirit and personality - experience) or the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff, developing divergent or creative thinking and straight-knowledge (intuitive spiritual knowledge - mind + feelings) strive to recreate syncretic thinking (characteristic for childhood) in a new, multidimensional and integral paradigm of the unity of forms, images, states, that is, a return to an undivided model of worldview; consider the world without judgment, without making categorical judgments and without making categorical conclusions; learn flexibility and plasticity of thinking, getting rid, first of all, of the dividing duality concepts: good - bad, good - evil, etc., considering the world as the unity of all forms and states, even if it is imperfect, develop the ability to take a different point of view, even if it does not fit into the framework of your worldview, change criticality to self-criticism, and then the ability to consider any reality as possible and uniquely unrepeatable; realize the limitations of any thinking; expand consciousness with the ability to contain; strive for integrity in all manifestations of life; establish contact with your higher self, developing intuition; learn to track your own emotional and mental flows, infected with viruses of delusion, using disidentification , mental control and introspection (introspection), ignore the imposition of unverified, destructive and negative information in any video, learn to listen and hear the voice of the higher “I” or your soul, all-knowing and all-knowing, thanks to meditation, concentration on the heart center and the development of straight-knowledge (feelings of the soul - intuition + knowledge of the spirit - mind) find the best in everything you come into contact with through the prism of love learn to see hidden and visible perfections, both in people and in the world around us and, above all, in ourselves. Guided by these recommendations and practical observations, you will gradually you will not only be able to get rid of the tyranny of prejudice and