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And people stayed at home...Self-isolation. Quarantine. Virus. It was they who stopped our run through life and made us think. Think about yourself, about your loved ones, about the meaning of life, about values... Everything has changed. The present and the future are in question. There were so many plans. We planned, did, went to our results. And suddenly... Force majeure! We stayed at home. In a closed small space, together with our relatives. At first we simply slowed down our running and monitored the situation in the world. They slowed down and stopped running. We were left alone with ourselves, with our thoughts. We did a forced reboot. The Reset button was pressed. Some people rested, read, listened, played games, did creative work, did general cleaning, while others faced fear. Some listened to themselves and looked for ways out of the current situation, while others succumbed to panic and ran to the store to control the situation, create visible control, sweeping what they needed and what they didn’t need off the shelves. Inventories. Visibility of control. The reset button worked differently. Made everyone think. She left no one indifferent. We are faced with choosing a new path. After quarantine we will be different. We are already different. Forced self-isolation turned our thoughts deeply into us, we thought about our values, about the situation in the world, about nature, about love, about safety. About life. And people began to think differently... In this situation, it is important to take care not only of physical, but also of psychological health. Psychological protection is as important as the fight against the virus. How to maintain psychological health during quarantine? Coping with fear. Make friends, work together, become allies. Remember! Excessive information feeds fear and panic. Stay informed and at the same time do not follow information 24 hours a day. Trust reliable sources. Use your social networks environmentally for your health. And fear can also protect your health. It encourages you to adopt healthy behaviors to protect yourself. Hand washing, isolation, social distancing. React rationally to any situation. Take care of yourself and others. Share your emotions and problems. Speak out your fears. Call your friends and relatives more often, talk about them, how they feel, what they think, what they are interested in, how they spend their time. It is important to support them. A caring attitude supports us and we become calmer2. Take care of your body. Through the body we calm the mind. Calming our thoughts. The body is a “fear sensor.” This is a map where emotions are drawn and interconnected. Fear responds in the body with pain, tension and exhaustion. How you can take care of the body: – Nourish the body with a balanced diet. – Take a bath, contrast shower. Drink enough water. The main thing for us, our body, is proper sleep in a ventilated area. Do everything to sleep and rest comfortably. – Remember about physical exercise. At home. Exercise, dancing, outdoor games, relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, fitness at home... Everything that allows you to move, everything for which your body will thank you and will last a long time. How we take care of our body determines how we feel.3. Emotional eating is key to protecting mental health. It is important to find our own ways to cope with the situations in which we find ourselves. Coping with uncertainty. Learn to be at home, find activities of interest, captivate your family and friends, diversify your stay in forced conditions. Turn to your family, your origins. Remember stories, look through a family album, find a hobby... It is important to feel the support of people. Get closer to others. Hugging others with your words, your smile, your eyes. Call, send messages, court people virtually. On distance. Show how much you love your family and friends, acquaintances and neighbors. Build support networks. Help each other. Even when you are not nearby.4. Think about yourself. Take care of your needs, ask for help. Listen to yourself. Hear yourself. Now many specialists are working"