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Women often come to me for consultations who cannot hear and understand themselves. They do not feel connected to themselves, their place in life, or reliable support within. Often an accompanying symptom to their request is physical malaise. Apathy is pressing, there is not enough energy even for household chores, headaches, migraines, various women’s diseases, panic attacks, etc. And often in my work, my clients quickly realize the underlying cause of their conditions. They see how some part of them has remained unrecognized and unaccepted, it requires special love and support, but they still continue to live according to the usual scenarios, trying in every possible way to be good for everyone around them, forgetting about themselves, pushing themselves to the back burner. suppressing your inner dissatisfaction more and more deeply. Such an irresponsible attitude towards oneself does not pass without a trace. The part of the personality that is left unattended, suppressed and forgotten will try to do everything to be heard. One of the last resorts is physical illness. Suppressed pain will burst through the body. Here is a real story from my practice. The girl grew up in a fairly prosperous family, with imperfect, of course, but loving parents. One day the girl was left at home alone. She was scared and offended. She tried to somehow entertain herself, she started spinning and fell hard and hurt herself. There was no one to console and reassure her at that moment. This is how her childhood experience was anchored - they don’t love her, no one needs her. Later there were several more everyday moments when the girl became convinced to herself once again that they really didn’t love her. And then she grew up, forgot about her childhood grievances and everything was fine. Successful completion of school, admission to college, interesting studies. But there were unsuccessful relationships. That wounded part received another powerful blow, which greatly shook it. And it was no longer possible to reliably hide that little offended girl deep inside. She needed attention, care, lots and lots of love. But they didn’t hear her and couldn’t understand her. My client continued to move forward, build an adult life, got a job, started a family. But a part of her, wounded and depressed, did not let up. A nagging pain made itself felt, here and there. Sometimes it came at the most inopportune moments. And one day something completely incomprehensible happened. The whole body was seized with intense fear. It became difficult to breathe. There is a veil before my eyes. Weakness in the legs. I'm about to lose consciousness. Crowd of people around. And my heart ached from a painful feeling of uselessness and loneliness. Then similar attacks were repeated again and again. When they began to sort things out, my client saw her little girl, who was still left there, at home, alone, without parents. Where no one needs it. We have worked on this point. We erased the memories of the unpleasant plot and played the new scenario. They gave that little girl the opportunity to feel needed, important to her parents and their unconditional, warming love. We agreed with the client that it is now useless to wait for the parents to suddenly realize how wrong they were and begin to love even more. Now it is important to learn to love yourself and give yourself all-consuming, protective love. We clearly communicated what it means to love and take care of ourselves. How to make this inner girl understand that she is the greatest value in the world. We have written a detailed plan for how the girl will begin to take care of herself. And here is an obvious, tangible result. Instead of panic in a crowded place, you feel like an energetic and beautiful girl! Do you also assume that the cause of your ailments is in your relationship with yourself? Want to understand this and find a solution? Then sign up for your first introductory consultation here or via WhatsApp.