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Spouses inevitably encounter conflicts in family life; for those couples who do not have conflicts, we can say that, unfortunately, this will happen someday. Two different people living in the same territory cannot look at all aspects of existence in the same way. It is possible that one of the partners always gives in, i.e. puts his own interests below the interests of his partner, but someday a compliant partner will want to announce his existence to the World. Couples who are in the stage of falling in love may also lack conflicts, but this too passes. In mature couples, a long-term absence of conflicts indicates that they do not see the point in resolving them, they both understand that there will be nothing good in their lives, they have long lost what once connected them and, ultimately, such a marriage ends in divorce. rIn married couples, it happens that one or both partners accumulate dissatisfaction with the other partner. Everyday little things irritate, anger, resentment, and disappointment accumulate. If these points are not discussed immediately, then, for example, a drop of tea spilled by a spouse on the floor can cause a scandal on the part of the wife, with the words: “You don’t appreciate my work!” “You always act like....!” At the same time, in her mind she thinks (and maybe voices it) that he, of course, stopped loving her, since a loving person under no circumstances can be indifferent to the work of his partner. In this situation, the husband has a reboot, he does not understand what is happening to his wife and what nonsense she is talking about from his point of view, because this is just a drop that accidentally fell on the floor. And the point in this whole situation may not be a disdainful attitude towards the wife’s work, but, for example, that sex once a week is not enough for the wife or that the husband complimented a friend’s new girlfriend, but she did not hear from him, that she has been beautiful for more than a year, etc. There can be a lot of reasons for dissatisfaction. A husband may be angry with his wife for her lack of composure and forgetfulness, excessive emotionality and hot temper, if the wife does not take into account her husband’s opinion, criticizes him, shows distrust when he leaves to meet a friend, while the husband does not feel his authority in the family. rGirls from the first day of life are more sensitive to isolation and lack of contact than men. A man cannot be emotionally involved in a relationship his entire family life. And when the husband comes home, the wife invites him to the table with a smile, and the husband walks past her and silently locks himself in his room, the woman begins to think that he has stopped loving her. She already has a picture in her head. My husband ignored my greeting, which means he doesn’t care about me, which means he doesn’t love me anymore, why are we living together then, etc. But in fact, the husband has problems at work and not indicating his wife’s presence has nothing to do with his feelings for her. rYou need to talk to each other about what's bothering you every time it happens. And talk about it in the context of “I’m very upset to hear this”, “I get angry when you say or do this”, say what you feel, under certain circumstances. “It’s already obvious!” you will say, but in fact, what is obvious and natural to you may not be at all obvious to your partner. For example, you tell your husband about your experiences, and the husband does not even try to pretend that he is listening to you, for the wife this will be indifference and not self-love, but for the husband, listening to you carefully is only a sign of weakness. From childhood, men are taught to be logical, reasonable and are prevented from being sensitive and empathic. Conflicts can be heatedly discussed, but it is important not to insult the partner, every sharply spoken word falls like a stone into the soul of the partner addressed and will always remain there; if there are too many of them, the moment will come when the family can no longer be saved. In a conflict, it is important to hear not only yourself, but also try to understand your partner’s point of view, assess how important this problem is for you and for him, it may be easier