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From the author: So, thanks to women, guardians of the gene pool. Despite the cruelest genocide of the carriers of the gene pool, full-fledged, and even courageous, Men are born every day. But the tendency towards a decrease in masculinity after the end of the candy-buffet period is very noticeable. What is this about? And the main topic of this article is the problems of “upbringing.” So, thanks to women, guardians of the gene pool. Despite the cruelest genocide of the carriers of the gene pool, full-fledged, and even courageous, Men are born every day. But the tendency towards a decrease in masculinity after the end of the candy-buffet period is very noticeable. What is this about? And the main topic of this article is the problems of “upbringing”. I won’t say that I will now give out the law of relationship development. But I will describe a fairly global trend. First, if you are lucky, the girl (woman) is proud of her chosen one. He is fearless, reckless, you can brag about his “exploits” and fights to your friends and “butterflies in your stomach” from the mere thought that “he is mine.” When such a man protects the boundaries of a couple with the confident “You won’t go anywhere,” a rebellion arises in the head, and deep down there is peace and two feelings: - protected. - he is definitely mine! Yes, strong and unbridled men continue to appear and delight women with their presence. And even if there is nothing to be proud of, the woman will come up with something to respect him for. Otherwise, there is no need to meet. But often the qualities that command respect are simply an illusion. And a wild male in the wild and a husband, the father of children - these are two different roles and two completely different pictures in the head of the woman herself. The time comes and a woman masters the status of a wife or simply when “well, here he is, finally mine.” Now she is “educating” her man, that is, nagging him for everything that she previously admired: - For courage and bravado in behavior (now this is dangerous) - For belonging to one or another male company (what about me). Ultimatums are set harshly - “either me or this.” And if he doesn’t agree, then this is not my man. An insecure woman is in a hurry to domesticate and tame her man. So convenient. No need to worry about where he is and how. There is no need to worry that someone else will like you (tame men are of little interest to free women). And a man, out of “love” for his woman, abandons his natural potential. It’s even easier for him this way. Many men simply don’t know what it’s like to be truly strong and wild. They do not know their true nature, their deep potential. Most were raised by their mothers and this is our story. Those who are more fortunate were raised by domesticated fathers, but this does not provide contact with deep masculinity. What does this mean? The state genocide of the gene pool ended long ago. But it was replaced by a family genocide of masculinity. Women want to marry a superman, but life is more comfortable with a “house man.” - He is mine. He washes the dishes on the floor, takes care of the children and is not interesting to anyone... - Oh, not even interesting to me... - But it’s so convenient! ... But you have to pay for convenience. Only the fees are incredibly high. Financial irresponsibility or sexual indifference. And sometimes both at once. At the same time, men's hearts yearn for their potential. Lions in a cage. Heroes stripped of their power. And as before, masculinity, squeezed from all sides, finds its fulfillment in a bottle or in affairs on the side. But real masculine strength is needed by both women and men. Real masculine strength is needed by the family. Taking care of family, protecting the family hearth, supporting loved ones and raising psychologically healthy children are all functions of masculinity in the family sphere. Read the following articles to learn how to develop this in a relationship. (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 1)Author Vlasov Yuri