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Lately I have been thinking more and more often about the fact that a person has an idea about the work of doctors. Suppose we get sick, we can go get tested and, with the help of a specialist, determine what our problem is. Agree that this is very convenient) Or worried parents take their children or relatives to the doctor, under the pretext “We’ll just get checked, to calm the soul.” I thought and thought and at the moment I was upset, wondering: “Why doesn’t it work like that for our psychologists?” Why can’t you take a certain analysis and determine that it is necessary to work on such and such an injury or on attitudes and other options for the development of events) Of course, colleagues reading this article now may smile and laugh) But this is not the semantic load of this text. On the contrary, it is even sad that without protecting his crystal psyche, a person loses criticism of his condition. As we have already said, a proposal to go to a psychologist is met with aggression, bewilderment and exclamations, for example, “Am I crazy?” Of course, our loved ones, our friends are concerned about our state when we are in no mood, when we lose interest, become aggressive, and withdraw into ourselves. What to do? Is it possible to lead a person by the hand to a psychologist? Unfortunately, talking is more difficult than getting tested. And the psychologist works with words. If an unsuccessful visit to a psychologist occurs, a person may close himself off even more and, in case of urgent need, feeling hostility or fear of a specialist in this profile, simply not go and lead his condition to irreversible consequences. What to do if you notice that your loved one needs to contact a psychological specialist? Question: “Have you tried to sit down with him and just have a heart-to-heart talk?” If not, then one option is to gently bring the person into conversation over a cup of their favorite drink. Perhaps he just needs to vent what’s hurting in his soul. Your friendly shoulder will be very useful. With relief in the soul, a person begins to think more clearly and structuredly for himself. You have the opportunity to gently present a visit to a psychologist in order to alleviate your emotional state. And on your part this is a manifestation of concern for the person. This will be based on the principle of “planting a seed”, which sooner or later will begin to sprout in a person’s head. And always remember - Only the person himself can bring himself to a psychologist-psychotherapist.