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A prude usually has a hidden agenda to take advantage of others. This person conveys the idea “Since I am so correct, you owe me everything.” Its purpose is to make you feel guilty and ashamed for the way you live. He wants to make you feel obligated to help him, to listen to him, to obey him in something, to serve his benefit and his interests. Therefore you need to be vigilant. If a person has too many slogans about the reasonable-good-eternal, this is an alarming sign. Especially if he endlessly violates your boundaries with his “sermons”. He can bombard your PM with quotes and aphorisms. If you send him something of your own in response, he will accuse you of “not being able to listen to others.” His “sermons” are one-sided, only he is allowed to teach you, and not vice versa. He believes that he “speaks on behalf of the Truth,” he edifies, exhorts, puts himself above those around him. It is not easy to build relationships with hypocrites, because they are not aware of their hypocrisy. Their psychological defenses are very strong. Especially denial and projection. They are very narcissistic. Assess the possible damage. If it is insignificant, avoid the conflict and pass by. If a person is being a hypocrite on an unimportant topic, just take note of him. Remember that you should be careful with this person. This is especially important if you have to see each other every day. Try to interact with this person as little as possible, if possible. If a prude is deliberately provoking you, stop the conversation. Walking away will help you stay calm and prevent a violent confrontation. And in a conflict, the bigot will turn all the facts inside out and shift the emphasis. The prude is a master in this matter and he/she will also look for sympathizers to recruit to his side. Keep cool and do not lose your temper under any circumstances. Any emotional behavior you have will be used against you. Leave the room under any pretext if you lose your temper. Don't tell the prude that he/she is a prude or a hypocrite. You have no chance of changing his mind or behavior. Do not try to correct a person, to let him know that he is wrong. He will fight you to the last to defend his image as an infallible saint. He is ready to do a lot for this: lies, intrigues behind your back, meanness. He will believe that he is protecting himself from his worst enemy in you. Yes, yes, he is simply “defending himself”. It doesn’t matter that there was no attack and that you meant well. Only his perception and his point of view are important; other opinions do not exist for him. The prude is self-centered. He is also extremely vulnerable. In your self-defense and unwillingness to bend under him, such a person will see a huge threat to himself. Try to avoid communicating with a prude alone. Especially on topics that can provoke you into a violent emotional reaction, trigger you. By the way, the prude will deliberately grope them. A prude likes it when people put up with him/her to the utmost. In this process of patience, when we suppress our aggression and resentment, the bigot receives nourishment and a sense of power. After all, at these moments the hypocrite controls us. Do not try to catch this hypocrite in a lie. Keep contact to a minimum! Hypocrisy can be relatively harmless or very harmful. If hypocrisy only causes you negative emotions, ignore it and avoid interaction. But if a person causes significant damage to you or others with his hypocrisy and hypocrisy, then think about talking to the person face to face. The weapon against bigotry is truth and independence. Just call a spade a spade if a prude is not your boss. If you do not depend on this person in any way, it is easier for you to defend your boundaries. And if you depend on it, it is better to take care of getting rid of the addiction. Hypocrites are vindictive. Even if you win, and the bigot still has leverage over you, rest assured, it will be used to harm you. Do not blame or shame the person, even if he himself constantly does this. Use +7(921)6453485