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How to help a teenager cope with fear and anxiety before the Unified State Exam? Parents and teachers are sounding the alarm. The closer the exam is, the higher the degree of stress among schoolchildren. Fear and anxiety are in the air. Someone cannot withstand the stress and goes into depression, someone is contemplating a suicidal plan. Anxiety increases if the child could not decide on the choice of profession. It seems to a teenager that the world is collapsing and there is no future. Why is this happening? Now the entire educational program is structured in such a way that schoolchildren are taught how to take tests and prepare for upcoming exams. Some teachers, with the best intentions of course, use intimidation as motivation for studying and passing the Unified State Exam. Tutors are also invited to prepare the child for the exam. Parents themselves experience enormous stress, because they want their child to enter a prestigious educational institution; they cannot do without good Unified State Exam results. Hence the manifestation of pressure on children, inflated demands, transfer of responsibility for one’s own expectations... All actions are aimed at giving significance to this issue. The child, as a person, fades into the background. This creates a general stressful environment that aggravates the emotional state of a teenager during this already difficult age period for him. Is your teenager ready for the Unified State Exam? At the educational level, they try to prepare teenagers as much as possible for the upcoming exams. But here the emotional state plays a big role. Remember yourself during your school years. Surely there were cases when excellent students could not pass the exams due to certain circumstances related to psychological aspects. In a stressful situation, the teenager’s psyche can react in different ways, up to the development of the disease, as a psychosomatic manifestation. Important elements in preparing for the Unified State Exam are: in my opinion, it is precisely the psychological component. Just as we prepare children for State exams at the level of knowledge, we must pay attention to psychological preparation. And it’s better to do this with a specialist. There is an option to work as a group with the whole class, when a psychologist works with the children before the exams begin. Works with their anxiety and fears. Increases stress resistance and teaches emotional self-regulation. Conducts a career guidance lesson for those who have not yet fully decided on their choice. Here, work is carried out with parents of schoolchildren to create a supportive environment at home. This is a complete course on psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam. For more closed children, individual meetings with a specialist aimed at solving the same problems are suitable. You can contact a psychologist for support during the exam period. Therapeutic conversations and techniques for updating resources before the Unified State Exam will help you and your child go through this path with the least losses. Such actions will help preserve the mental health of the child, and the whole family. Take care of yourself and your children, take care of your psychological health! I conduct courses on psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam. Group and individual work. If you need help, you can leave a request on the site in private messages or write to me in Messenger by phone 8-904-490-34-07