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Resentment is a heavy burden on the soul. By wasting time reproaching other people, you are stealing it from yourself. If you feel that you cannot forgive someone you know or close relatives, and thoughts of revenge are constantly spinning in your head, then it’s time to work with your grievances. For a variety of reasons, you may not be able to meet with a person from your past and talk to him in person. To do this, you can use the following exercises to help you find connection even outside of time. These are very simple and at the same time deep exercises. They will help you express your strong feelings in symbolic form. First, make a list of people with whom you hold a grudge. Next, write a letter to each person on your list, realizing that he will never read it, and that you are now write, it will forever remain your secret. With this letter you will not only ease your soul, but perhaps you will be able to look at your relationships differently and change them. Such a letter will help you avoid hurting the other person. And emotions expressed in this way will contribute to the release of creative energy. It is better to start this work with your parents. It is important to understand that there is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to get angry with your parents. It's normal to be angry, it's part of growing up. But it is important to learn how to channel anger in a safe direction and get rid of it, rather than suppress it. Anger does not mean that you have bad parents or that they did not love you. They did the best they could. Take a piece of paper and write down the grievances that you remember. Write down all grievances against your father and mother (whether they are alive or not) or those significant people who replaced them. You should not spend much time thinking and remembering. Just start writing without trying to comprehend what you are writing. It is important for you now only to give expression to what has been rushing to the surface for a long time. Try not to think about morality at this time, just let your thoughts appear on paper, as it comes naturally. Ask yourself questions: “What do I think about this person? What do I feel for him? What do I wish for him?” Write everything that comes to mind. Leave your internal censor behind for a while and let us just listen to what comes from within. You may be very surprised to learn that you have a lot of grief and anger inside of you. Don't be afraid of your feelings. Just keep recording. Don’t try to express it in coherent sentences, even if it seems to you just a bunch of emotions. Allow yourself to swear, get angry and express everything that has been boiling for a long time. The main thing is not to restrain yourself or limit yourself in anything. Write until you feel tired and that you have said everything you wanted to. Once you have finished your letters to parents, you can move on to the remaining people on your list. This can be done in a similar way. The resentment most likely will not go away immediately and completely, because it takes time to get over it. Give yourself time. The stronger the psychological trauma, the longer it will take. Under no circumstances should you rush yourself. Don't rush to move from the stage of feeling angry to the stage of forgiveness and gratitude. Be tolerant of yourself and accept that such work will require a certain expenditure of internal strength from you. So, if, when writing a letter, you feel overwhelmed by feelings of anger and resentment, and you are not ready to move straight to the stage of forgiveness, I recommend that you stop for now at this stage, spend more time on these feelings until you realize that you are ready for the next one. For example, make it a rule to write an “angry” message to the offender every day for a month. Don't miss a day. Write whatever you want and don’t blame yourself for it. You should write at least a page. And even if you feel that you no longer have any special desire to write accusatory speeches, it is still worth continuing to write.