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From the author: Names are fictitious, all clients gave permission for publication. How to determine that a man is a “rough diamond” A lot has already been written about bad men. I categorically disagree with this. There are many good and bad men, just like women. On my life's path I have encountered more decent, even and strong ones. The only thing I want to note is that diamonds are not immediately noticeable, only a subtle and sensual woman can see such “goodness”. It’s the good guys who “don’t catch the eye.” From the tenth grade they don’t drive expensive foreign cars and don’t wear branded outfits. Nice guys, most often from middle-income families, are not the only children accustomed to thinking and caring for others. They do not see life through rose-colored glasses given by rich parents, and they do not think that buns grow on trees. Since school, such children have many responsibilities and worries. I need to take my little brother to kindergarten before school. After school, go to the gym yourself, since there are no guards assigned to it and you have to protect yourself. They don't talk to girls much. But you still want to have an expensive phone or a cool motorcycle. And asking parents with an average salary for engineers is humiliating. Girls sometimes don’t notice such guys because they are modest, don’t joke around and are always in a hurry. Already from school, they have a goal to occupy a higher position in society and understand that for this they need to study a lot, work and rely only on themselves. Such guys, having graduated from university without help, use their first salary to buy not a branded item for themselves, but for their mother gold earrings that she never had, a cool bike for their brothers, and for their father an expensive set of tools that he dreamed of. And even though there is no money left for himself, such a guy has satisfaction and joy in his soul. At one time, I saw such a guy. Although it should be noted that I had a large choice. There was also a guy Boris (not his real name) from a once very noble noble family. And even now his parents “did not let him down” and held high administrative positions. There is plenty of money, the roads are open to any university. Boris was “pushed” into Moscow State University. I studied without pleasure, but finished it because I was not a stupid person. He was handsome, witty, very mannered and looked down on others. At first I wanted to choose him as my husband, but my intuition did not let me down. When choosing, psychomethodology helped me to determine my true desire. I will describe her in detail in the next article. So, I still chose the modest, caring, hardworking Yegor (not his real name) and, as always, I was right. Over time, spoiled Boris started drinking at the first difficulties, and then became completely addicted to alcohol. He married three times and fathered children, whom his parents support. And he himself, to this day, “sits on their necks.” And Egor, with his hard work and perseverance, reached the heights of military service. The man is wealthy and a wonderful, caring husband. So, don’t rush at the beautiful, maybe it’s a soap bubble, and not a diamond at all. In the next article I’ll tell you psychotechniques on how to determine your true desire, and not go down the wrong path. Your O.S..