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A 24-year-old man came to me on the advice of his girlfriend. The fact is that over the past six months he began to be bothered by severe anxiety and unreasonable fears appeared. The unpleasant sensations are constantly intensifying, so the decision was made to go to a psychologist. In principle, everything is normal in his life, he recently graduated from college and got a job. The family is friendly, there are no problems in the relationship with the girl either. We started the work with professional diagnostics. Testing did not show anything terrible, the results were within the normal range. The only thing that was really confirmed for the young man was high anxiety and strong emotiveness according to the Accent 2-90 test. This means that he has quite bright/high emotionality and a rich imagination, and this can be an excellent basis for inflating internal fears. With the help of MAC (metaphorical associative cards) we began to look for triggers that could trigger these fears. It turned out that anxiety is especially intensified in the dark/night time. In simple words, there is a fear of the dark. A young man is simply afraid to enter even a dark room. During a session of emotional-imaginative therapy and in a state of superficial trance, we began to associatively look for moments in the past associated with darkness and an anxious state. As a result, we came across several childhood memories. It turned out that when the boy was little (5-6 years old), his brother really liked to tell him scary stories at night. The family was friendly and there was no mocking character behind it. Just children's entertainment that each of us has encountered. At some point, when the family went to relax at the dacha, the boy walked into a room with an open basement. The older brother decided to play a joke and invited him to go down to the basement, after which the lights went out there. The joke was that the teenage brother hinted that other people's scary eyes were looking at the boy from behind a dark corner, but in fact there was simply light reflected from jars of pickles. The child began to cry and even scream in fear; he had to quickly and by touch get out of the basement, as the lights went out in the whole house.. A mixture of fear and the loud laughter of his older brother were imprinted in the boy’s unconscious. The parents reacted to this situation calmly and They said that he was already a grown boy, and it was stupid to believe in all sorts of “bubble stories” in the dark. As a result, the above unpleasant feelings were also added to a feeling of resentment and shame, because no one understood him or supported him, and everyone just laughed at his fears. This story greatly undermined the boy’s trust in his relatives and people around him. Therefore, many years later, if uncertainty appears in my client’s life, then vaguely wandering fears immediately begin to appear, which are actualized in the darkness. The man remembered this situation, but never thought that it was of such great importance. As a result, we worked with this memory and beliefs that were associated with his relatives and caused feelings of shame and resentment. We also developed a successful strategy for managing our emotions. After all, emotionality is innate and if you suppress it, you can only make it worse. In this case, exercises on self-control and self-regulation are more suitable. It took only four sessions to work, as a result of which the fears stopped returning and the client began to feel much better. Thanks to this, more energy and a desire to move forward and develop appeared. #psychologist_che