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Today we will talk about the child’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is the child’s attitude towards himself, his subjective capabilities, abilities, character traits, actions and personal qualities. Almost all life achievements depend on its adequacy , academic success and interaction in a group. It originates in infancy and subsequently has a significant impact on the adult life of children, their behavior, attitude towards themselves and events in the surrounding society. The primary task of parents, along with upbringing, teaching and caring for the child, is formation of adequate self-esteem. After all, along with it, the baby develops a sense of self-esteem. To begin with, I suggest conducting a simple test to determine the child’s level of self-esteem. We will see how he evaluates himself, how, in his opinion, other people evaluate him, and how these ideas relate to each other. “Ladder” test Drawing of a “ladder” for studying self-esteem Instructions: To begin with, it is very important to create an atmosphere of trust, openness, goodwill. (The test should be carried out in a calm, playful manner, so that the child is in the mood to communicate with you.) The child should have a form with a drawn ladder, a pen or pencil. “Here is a ladder. If you place all the guys on it, then here (show the first step without naming its number) the best guys will stand, here (show the second and third) - the good ones, here (show the fourth) - neither good nor bad guys, here (show the fifth and sixth steps) are bad, and here (show the seventh step) are the worst. Which step will you put yourself on? Explain why". If you have difficulties with the answer, repeat the instructions again. Processing of results and interpretation Step 1 - inflated self-esteem. It is most often characteristic of first-graders and is the age norm for them. In a conversation, children explain their choice like this: “I will put myself on the first step, because it is high,” “I am the best,” “I love myself very much,” “The nicest guys are standing here, and I also want to be with them.” . It often happens that a child cannot explain his choice, remains silent, smiles, or thinks hard. This is due to poorly developed reflection (the ability to analyze one’s activities and correlate opinions, experiences and actions with the opinions and assessments of others). This is why in the first grade a point (grade) assessment is not used. After all, first-graders (and often second-graders) overwhelmingly accept the teacher’s mark as an attitude towards themselves: “I’m good because I have an A (“star”, “butterfly”, “sunshine”, “red brick”).” ; “I’m bad because I have a C (“rain”, “blue brick”, “dash”, “see”). Steps 2, 3 - adequate self-esteem The child has formed a positive attitude towards himself, he knows how to evaluate himself and his activities : “I’m good because I help my mother,” “I’m good because I get straight A’s in my studies, I like to read books,” “I help my friends, I play well with them,” etc. This is an excellent option for developing self-esteem. Step 4 - low self-esteem Children who put themselves on the fourth step have somewhat low self-esteem. As a rule, this is associated with a specific psychological problem of the child. In a conversation, he can talk about it. For example: “I am neither good nor bad, because I can be kind (when I help my dad), I can be evil (when I yell at my brother).” There are problems in family relationships here. “I’m neither good nor bad, because I write letters poorly, and my mother and teacher scold me for it.” In this case, the situation of success and the schoolgirl’s positive attitude, at least towards writing lessons, are destroyed; interpersonal relationships with significant adults are disrupted.” Steps 5, 6 – low self-esteem There are about 8–10% of younger schoolchildren with low self-esteem in the class. Sometimes a child’s self-esteem is situationally low. At the time of the survey, something could have happened: a quarrel with a friend, a bad grade,.