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The technique of self-disclosure is one of the professional tools of a psychotherapist. This is a situation where a professional shares his personal experience for the benefit of the client. Yes, yes, the key here is for the benefit of the client. If, even when answering a client’s question, you start retelling all your life discoveries and difficulties, then it becomes unclear who pays whom and for what. Therefore, I always try to use the technique in doses and with special care, asking myself the question inside - for whose benefit am I saying or asking this now? In this regard, when various publications invite me to write articles about my personal experience, about my ups and downs, I am somehow at a loss. This is probably part of professional deformation, because the psychotherapist talks little about himself. But from the identity of a woman, the story of my relationship with self-esteem can well be told. My self-esteem - what is it today? Probably the main thing I can say is that finally I really have SELF-esteem, and not MOM’s assessment, DAD’s assessment or SCHOOL’s assessment. But it was not always so. As a teenager, I was a very insecure girl with an excess weight of 20 kg. I had poor eyesight and was afraid to wear glasses, lest I add another complex to my complexes. The boys didn’t pay attention to me and I thought that it would always be like this. My opinion of myself depended entirely on the attitude of others. Then active growth began, hormones were raging, and literally over the summer I lost 15 kg. My new reflection in the mirror made me very happy, but my inner uncertainty remained. Most of all, I doubted my body, its attractiveness, and in general my worth as a human being. When communicating with other people, it seemed to me that the only thing they saw was the remaining 5 kg of excess weight and my terrible insecurity and self-rejection. And I was sure that this was my destiny and karma. But, in spite of everything, I began to work on these ill-fated 5 kg. I changed my diet, started moving more actively, and the results were not long in coming, the excess weight melted away before my eyes, as happens in youth. Imagine my surprise when my self-esteem remained the same. A young, beautiful girl who was interesting to men looked at me from the mirror, but inside lived an absolutely insecure person who knew for sure that he was unworthy of love and attention. I had already read about internal work, but I had little faith and had no idea how it worked. At every convenient opportunity, I criticized myself, I was desperately glad for any male attention and care, and, in principle, grateful for the fact that they paid attention to me. To the surprise of my friends and relatives, I did not value myself at all. In my life there was a series of male infidelities, which further undermined my self-confidence. I watched other women and discovered with interest that, although they do not have ideal physical forms, grandiose personal and professional achievements, they like themselves, love, value and respect themselves. They can choose what is good for them and what is bad. For me, such role models were the first signal for change. Since childhood, I have been interested in psychology, where I tried to find answers to my questions. And at this moment the interest became truly serious. I started attending various courses and seminars in search of an answer to the question - why is my attitude towards myself the way it is and how can I change it? Then I already believed that the world treated us exactly the same as we treated ourselves. the world treats us exactly the same way we treat ourselves. The most difficult thing remains - to change this attitude, accept and love yourself. On this path I made many discoveries for myself. Now they form the basis of my professional programs about self-confidence. I know for sure that if it helped me and my clients, it can help others too. The main thing is desire, faith and daily micro steps towards your goal. I’ll say right away that there are a lot of tools and you shouldn’t try to do everything at once and at the same time. I suggest starting with