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In my previous newsletter, I told you about what prevents us from being confident people. And now I invite you to get acquainted with: how some of our thoughts can deprive us not only of confidence in life, but also turn our life into a nightmare; with methods that allow us to restore peace within ourselves, calm down and begin to manage our thought process. Everyone makes mistakes, that's the essence of human nature. We divide errors into small and large. We classify mistakes as stupid if we believe that they could have been avoided. But, alas, for some reason we repeat them again and again. However, there are those mistakes that lead us to commit countless others and entail unnecessary emotional suffering. They have nothing to do with the essence of the decisions we make, but relate to the way they are made. In short, these are the mistakes we make in the process of thinking about the circumstances of our lives. These erroneous conclusions lead to incorrect interpretation of life experiences, false judgments about other people, and incorrect self-esteem. Everything in life is interconnected, thinking opens access to emotions, and emotions give us impulses to act. That is, by changing your thinking, you will be able to manage your emotions, thereby getting rid of their power. What I want to say is that as our thoughts are, so are our emotions. We sometimes forget that we can get rid of bad habits. The process of changing a bad way of thinking is no different from correcting bad behavior. We have the power to develop new habits that are much healthier and more beneficial than the old ones. Our course “How not to succumb to thoughts that deprive you of peace and confidence?” was compiled with the goal of teaching you how to manage your flow of thoughts, which will definitely improve your inner emotional state, increase your self-esteem and give you confidence in your abilities. This year, for the first time, we are opening a new course called “School for Developing Self-Confidence.” For all those who subscribe to our newsletter on this topic and decide to take this course, we will give a 30% discount. Subscribe to the newsletter "How not to be influenced by thoughts that deprive you of peace and confidence?" you can here: http://raduga-art.blogspot.ru/2013/05/blog-post_16.html