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The world is divided into those who are panic-buying food and personal hygiene items in stores and those who calmly continue to lead their usual lifestyle as if nothing is happening. And it may seem that the second category is more mentally stable. But is this really so? The usual rhythm of life of an average person in a large city is quite dynamic and sometimes comes down to the performance of certain, pre-planned functions. And when this order is disrupted for external reasons that a person cannot influence in any way, many emotions arise - anger, irritation, resentment. To these emotions are added experiences associated with a threat to life - fear, anxiety, panic. And all this hits the psyche at the same time. And, if you are not used to experiencing simple emotions, then when faced with such a “cocktail of experiences”, the protective mechanisms of the psyche may work - repression and denial of what is happening. In the case of coronavirus, this manifests itself as: - failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by epidemiologists - a search for information according to which the virus can be considered not dangerous - ridicule and devaluation of the situation and people in panic. When such defense mechanisms are activated frequently, a person gradually falls into pseudo-reality, when he prefers to live in his fictional world and believe that everything is fine, just not to experience feelings that he cannot cope with. Being in pseudo-reality is dangerous because if a real threat arises, a person may not be able to protect himself and, conversely, minor obstacles seem insurmountable. There is only one way out here - to regain contact with your feelings. It is difficult to do this on your own, so it is better to contact a specialist. This can be individual consultations or work in a group, where you can train the ability to withstand emotions of different types and strengths, much like you train in the gym - first you take dumbbells with a small weight, then larger ones, etc. Perhaps the situation with coronavirus will be an opportunity for someone to do an internal reboot, look deep into themselves, understand their feelings and needs and start living in a world in which there is so much that we don’t like, but also so much love, sincerity and support that we don’t notice while living in our fictional world.