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HOW TO IDENTIFY NEGATIVE ATTITUDES IN YOURSELF. TECHNIQUE. I can't be happy. I forbade myself a long time ago. My mother once told me: “Stop laughing! He who laughs a lot also cries a lot!”, and she turned out to be right. At first I had a lot of fun, but then I fell and broke my knee. For a long time I couldn’t run and laugh with my friends. Everything came true as my mother said. The conclusion made in childhood: I CANNOT BE JOYED, I WILL CRY! I grew up and became a serious woman. Now my stomach hurts. And I forbid myself to rejoice. There are no positive emotions in my life. After all, being happy = dangerous! The client's story about a negative childhood attitude is impressive. Friends, imagine how many such attitudes each of us has. Attitudes form a personal scenario in accordance with which we live. Parents and significant adults influence the formation of attitudes. A person’s attitude towards himself, towards other people, towards the world and towards God is spelled out in the personal script from birth. What scenario do you live by? Interesting to know? Answer the series of questions below and discover your life scenario. Technique for identifying your negative ideas. Relax in any convenient way through breathing, meditation. Answer the following questions (the answer should arise in your head spontaneously) What is your first most negative thought about yourself? What is your second most negative thought about yourself? What is your most your mother’s negative thought about you? What is your dad’s most negative thought about you? What is the most negative thought about you that came from childhood from communicating with peers, adults? What is the most negative thought about you at the school where you studied? What is another most a negative thought about you from significant others from when you were growing up? Based on 7 thoughts about you, make an uncompromising judgment about yourself - “I am today.” It is this judgment that is the negative part in your self-image. It is this part that controls your life and is realized in behavior, communication and activity. Using a similar pattern, you can recognize negative ideas about other people, the world and God. And now, ATTENTION! REWRITE NEGATIVE IMAGES ABOUT YOURSELF, OTHERS, THE WORLD AND GOD TO THE OPPOSITE AND POSITIVE! Friends, half the way has already been passed! The most interesting thing remains! More on this in the next post, if we get 50 likes!. Subscribe to my group, follow the news or sign up for an individual consultation by phone. +79503117621 Sincerely, psychologist Marina Arsenyuk.