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From the author: posted on “Aaaahhh, I'm about to explode!!!” - Are you familiar with this condition? Surely many will answer in the affirmative and agree that the only question that worries you in such an emotionally difficult moment is how to calm down. Indeed, there are situations when it is impossible to throw out your own anger, irritation or aggression by slamming your fist on the table. For example, at work or at lectures, in front of all the honest people, doing this is unacceptable so as not to have unpleasant consequences. And you shouldn’t yell at your own child, even if he just painted a sun on the wallpaper with your Dior lipstick. And slamming the door and hurling obscenities at a loved one who was late for a date, forgot to call back, or accidentally compared you to a former flame is generally a sign of bad taste for a girl from decent society. And what can be done in this case? There is only one answer: you need to show miracles of self-control, instantly calm down and relax. By the way, scientists are still arguing about how best to behave if emotions are, as they say, overwhelming. One part of the experts claims that it is necessary to throw out the negative by shouting, mechanical force, or some other way. This way you will quickly free your brain from unnecessary worries and direct its work in a constructive direction. Other psychologists insist on self-control and say that you need to use various techniques and methods of self-soothing so as not to waste valuable nerve cells. Of course, sometimes it is useful to go to a deserted place and just scream loudly, relieving nervous tension. But what to do if there is no such opportunity, and there is still a whole day ahead with all its troubles, anxieties and many problems? How to calm down and not be nervous? What will help you regain self-control over seething emotions in the shortest possible time and allow you to continue working, studying, communicating with children, and so on without loss? This article is devoted to these issues, since it will talk about effective and quick ways to calm yourself. And even if friends and acquaintances are accustomed to accepting all your violent reactions with a smile, and lack of restraint is mildly called eccentricity, many tips can be successfully applied in various life situations, practicing in power over your own reactions to irritating factors. These techniques will definitely not be superfluous. Step one: calm the body The answer to the question of how to quickly calm down is hidden in your body. Your inner essence and outer shell are interconnected and interdependent. Any of your emotions, including anxiety, anger, and fear, are manifested in bodily reactions, for example, in facial expressions and gestures. So if you need to calm your mind, calm your body first. Start with your breathing, as it determines your rhythm of life and sense of self. This process allows the blood to receive oxygen, and the functioning of the heart and other organs depends on how productive it is. Concentrate on how you breathe. It is not necessary to do this very slowly, especially since in a state of severe irritation, you will not be able to do this right away. You can breathe at your normal rhythm, the main secret is to watch how the air enters your nose, passes through the trachea, enters the lungs and back. Firstly, you will be distracted from what excited you, and secondly, your breathing rhythm will still slow down. And after just half a minute you will be able to feel calm. It will also help if, with each inhalation, you begin to slightly hold your breath - not for long, for about four seconds. You need to do this about twenty to thirty times. The exhalation should be as long as possible - to do this, take in more air. In general, concentrate and “play” with your breathing, come up with your own variations of exercises, because it can be both calming and interesting. You may come up with your own technique for calming yourself down and not being nervous. But breathing is not the only way for an anxious person to self-control. Eatalso muscles, through which, in fact, all negative energy is removed from the body. The simplest thing you can do is tense and relax the muscles in your legs and arms. If you're really angry, try clenching your fists. You just need to perform this action with all your might, as if you were an angry mongoose getting ready to jump. Then the negative energy will really begin to be eliminated from the body. In the case of anger (which is what we usually experience when we wonder how to quickly calm down), blows will help throw it out of the body. Yes, yes, simple blows of hands closed into a fist are better on some soft surface. Why not crash it into the wall? Well, you and I are women, after all, our delicate hands and feet must be protected. And abrasions on the knuckles are not the best decoration, and besides, they are very painful. Therefore, think about what made you angry, and put all your anger into the blow, and at the moment of contact with a surface, for example, a pillow, it will transfer there. If you are an emotional person and you often have to look for ways to calm the nervous system, hang it at home an ordinary punching bag. As soon as you feel that you are “boiling,” then, instead of tearing your vocal cords, take out the negativity on this sports equipment. This way you can not only calm down quickly, but also burn extra calories. Both your nerves are good and your figure is in order. If you are faced with the task of gaining self-control before an important performance or exam, then an exercise called “Unscrew and throw away!” will help with this. You need to pick up a rough towel (be sure to be dry!) ​​and twist it, simulating wrung out wet laundry. This must be done with maximum tension in all muscles. When you feel tired, suddenly unclench your hands and drop the towel. If you did everything correctly, you will instantly feel complete relaxation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, nervous tremors will go away, and your condition will noticeably improve. Among the simpler methods of calming down, you can note... What do you think? Cooling in its literal sense. Eat cold ice cream, drink a cool glass of soda or juice, go outside in the cold, or take a dip in the water. All these methods are as old as the hills, but they work, not only with people, but also with animals (this is how they break up a cat fight - with a bucket of cool water). "Cool down!" - this is often said to a hot-tempered interlocutor. Now you know how to do this in the literal sense. There is another “wet” technique for controlling yourself. If you are at work and feel that you are no longer in control of your emotions, then you need to do a kind of relaxation procedure. To do this, go into the bathroom, take off your blouse and run cold water into the sink. Wet your hands under the stream and slowly place them on the back of your head. After a few seconds, begin to gently rub the neck and shoulder area, gradually increase the strength of the movements, and then reduce it. Finish the express massage with gentle caressing touches to your skin and rinse the indicated areas of the body again with cold water. Step two: calm the mind Unfortunately, it is not always possible to calm down with the help of your own body. This is affected by being busy or being under the gaze of other people. And, as luck would have it, it is in such situations that the need for self-control is often greatest. But there is a way out. It's about working with your mind. How to quickly calm down and maintain your nerves by activating mental reserves? One of the most effective techniques is visualization, that is, the mental representation of calming pictures. After all, it is vision that allows a person to receive a huge part of information about the world around him. This task is perfectly accomplished by views of water flows and reservoirs, beautiful landscapes, and images of space. Try to imagine this or that picture that calms you down, it’s good if there are white and other light colors (they relax). Look at all the details, try to hear and feel everything as fully as possible. It would be ideal.