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The direction vector of mass libido can be seen in a very interesting way through the prism of sex symbols of a particular era. Of course, everyone has their own concepts of beauty and sexual attractiveness, but art, the film, fashion and music industries, and the Internet form and at the same time express the preferences of the masses at a given historical moment. Beauty expressed in mass art in the broad sense of the word always bears the imprint of the political situation in the world. Thus, against the backdrop of the First World War, the beginning of the 20th century was marked by the debut of androgynous beauty with its coldness, severity, inaccessibility, and the predominance of male forms in women's costume. The most prominent representatives of this type of beauty and sex appeal can be called Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich. Let's remember their images - not a hint of frivolous sensuality, strict dark lips, arrogant eyebrow threads, monochrome stripes instead of light floral patterns in clothes, the cold shine of patent leather - all this made the image of a woman attractive, but infinitely distant like the light of a star, alluring, but not warming. By the middle of the 20th century, when the world began to thaw a little after two world wars, a new femininity was proclaimed by Marilyn Monroe. Unbridled sensuality, lightweight coquetry, soft silhouette, curvy, rounded forms draped in airy fabrics, parted lips and a languid gaze - all this is a new interpretation of a woman’s sexual attractiveness. This line was picked up by Brigitte Bardot with her casual sexuality - slightly disheveled hair, slightly smudged makeup. It’s as if the beauty is showing with all her appearance that she had a stormy night. In the 70s, Jane Fonda burst onto the Olympus of the film industry and became a symbol of the era of the sexual revolution. She personified liberated femininity, but at the same time not devoid of deep inner content. This is a strong, independent woman with a clear political position and feminist beliefs. At this stage, female attractiveness is closely intertwined with concern for health and a healthy lifestyle. In the 80s and 90s, actress Kim Basinger and supermodel Cindy Crawford continued to demonstrate their toned shapes honed by aerobics in the 80s and 90s. The late 90s and early 2000s were marked by a huge variety of actresses and models - representatives of different types of attractiveness and sexuality. Here are Angelina Jolie with her sensual lips, and the deliberately sexy Pamela Anderson, and the Mediterranean-hot Penelope Cruz, and the sophisticated Julia Roberts, and the tart Monica Bellucci. It would be fair to note that all these women are so different and have their own unique seductiveness that the general trend of this time can be called the uniqueness of female beauty and the ability of a woman to present herself and emphasize her zest. I don’t dare to name the names of people who are sex symbols and trendsetters for female sexuality today - I’m afraid to make a mistake, and not much time has passed yet and it hasn’t decided who is worthy of this title and who caught fire and went out like a star - one-day. But there are obviously two trends - the first of them is the cult of youth, and the second is a shift in focus from the internal content to the external component of the image. In essence, these trends are branches of one trunk. And this trunk is based on the renunciation of the experience of maturity in favor of the external beauty of youth. And all those who no longer get on this train of youth are frantically trying to catch up with it with all their might, subjecting their bodies to surgical operations, unnaturally reshaping their faces and silhouettes to please the cult of the young body. A huge number of neuroses are associated with this artificially cultivated desire to keep up with what naturally disappears irrevocably. In this pursuit, we lose the understanding that beauty is not a beautiful wrapper, but, first of all, the light coming from within. And with age, this light consists of our experience, our awareness, which we achieved through the work of our soul. The beauty of age is light!