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From the author: Again about the strangeness of our brain. This time let's talk about the lofty...How can you not love music?! However, sometimes you can meet a person who not only does not like, but with all his heart hates music of any kind and kind. In this case, it is likely that the person suffers from a special brain disorder - amusia. With amusia, a person first of all loses the ability to recognize and reproduce the melody he hears. He also becomes unable to distinguish one melody from another. Quite an unpleasant thing, isn't it? In fact, it's even more complicated. A person not only does not recognize the melody, moreover, any music has now become intolerable to him. It is painfully unpleasant for him to hear even the most harmonious sounds. There is another bad point: if the patient was previously a musician or studied music, his knowledge is lost. Imagine how difficult this is. After all, now music plays almost everywhere. That is, the defect makes a person’s life extremely difficult. And this does not take into account entertainment events, concerts, where music, among other things, plays loudly. Then, you can always find inspiration, consolation, and calm in your favorite music. Music is something from the category of eternal, it is a feeling, beauty, emotions, experiences. And here a person with amusia is deprived of a rather significant resource. This disorder occurs when the right temporal region is damaged (stroke, head injury, tumor, infection, intoxication), which is generally responsible for intonation hearing, that is, the ability to distinguish sounds by pitch, timbre, and volume. But in the case of amusia, the leading disorder is not always the inability to distinguish sounds by pitch. Here the deeper, more complex ability for musical combinatorics is lost, the sense of harmony goes away. Correction of this disorder is difficult, if only because a person suffering from this defect rarely seeks help from a specialist, apparently believing that this is not such a big problem . But how can one live without music... There is an opinion that the wonderful composer Ravel at the end of his life suffered from amusia resulting from a traumatic brain injury. Therefore, he experienced great difficulty in composing music. Of course, the debate about the composer's diagnosis can continue endlessly. Primarily due to the impossibility of conducting a serious examination then. However, it’s scary to even imagine what a tragedy this illness could have become for a musician. A still from the film “A Clockwork Orange” is used as an illustration.».