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Since the season of graduation and entrance examinations is open, I think this article is relevant. How not to ruin your child during the Unified State Exam Five useful tips for parents and graduates For 700 thousand Russian graduates, the last bell rang on Friday, and on Monday, May 25, their exams will begin. How can children and their parents survive this busy time without stress? It is unclear who is more worried about the upcoming exams, the graduates themselves or their fathers and mothers, as well as grandparents. In every family where there is a ninth grader who will have to take the State Examination or the State Examination in a new way, and even more so an eleventh grader, serious passions are in full swing. How can you avoid stress in this situation? Family psychologist Anastasia Petrova told us about this.1. You are not your child's enemy. Psychologists call exam stress the most common of stresses. But how to prevent it from developing is a whole science. After all, stress not only reduces performance, but can cause real illness. The first thing you should remember, according to Anastasia Petrova, you are not your child’s enemy. You should not evaluate him by the marks he has already received or will receive during the exams. Your child should be sure that in any situation you are on his side. You should not remind your child that his whole life depends on this exam. That it is at this moment that his fate, and at the same time the fate of the entire family, is being decided. Don’t broadcast your worries to him every minute. Because the calmer the situation in the family, the more opportunities your treasure has to gather strength and prepare for the exam. Convince yourself and your child that life does not end after failing an exam. You can retake the exam, if you don’t have enough points for admission to one university, you will be able to apply to another. You yourself must remember this and at the same time you don’t have to say every minute: “Pull yourself together!”, “Your parents (elder brother, neighbor, etc.) never had such problems”, “Work as hard as you can.” strength! Or vice versa, when you are trying to calm down, repeat that exams are not worth such worries. It is normal to feel anxious during exams. You can simply lower the boiling point and create a working environment for your child.2. Breathe deeply On the eve of the Unified State Exam and directly on the day of passing, there is no need to try to intensively cram what you did not have time to learn the day before. Therefore, stop all attempts by your child to catch up on lost time overnight. With intensive cramming, all the knowledge accumulated before can fly out of your head. To focus on important points, start by simply calming down. Do you feel like your breathing is rapid due to anxiety? Take a deep breath and on the count of three, exhale. Do this several times. These tips are good for both adults and children. Or imagine that you have a heavy load on your shoulders. The whole body is tense under its weight, it puts pressure on the shoulders. Introduced? Now mentally throw it off yourself. Relax. Remember also what usually helps you relax. Favorite music, leisurely walk. These simple methods will help you come to your senses and calm down. It is better to send your son or daughter to the exam in a calm state. He or she needs to get a good night's sleep. Under no circumstances should you give your child any sedatives on the day of the exam. Even simple valerian or motherwort can dull the reaction. The best way is to simply drink a glass of water in small sips. Lack of moisture in the body has a bad effect on the functioning of the nervous system and brain. Read more: http://svpressa.ru/health/article/122754/ The full version can be viewed at the link http://svpressa.ru/health/article/122754/