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From the author: Relationships with other people are extremely important. What do we do to make these relationships happy for us? In addition, we are waiting for it to form somehow)) How we invest in relationships G. V. Balakhonskaya. Audio version of the article here https://www.b17.ru/media/52714/ How do we invest in relationships? How? And for what? Of course, dear friends, the topic is multifaceted. And I have already written about its different facets. Here “Stable Relationships” And here “Our Relationships as a Projection” And in other articles I touched on this topic in one way or another. Because you can’t escape her :)) We all need relationships with other people. To a greater or lesser extent, everyone needs them. There is no point in denying this. Because this is our nature. And relationships are not created by themselves - we create them. That is, relationships presuppose actions. Preferably, meaningful ones. :) This means that we invest in the relationship with our direct participation. It is about our direct participation, my friends, that I propose to talk. But what kind of relationship do we need? Why do we even enter into a relationship with a specific person? Any - friendly, partner, love, business... In general, very different. I will assume that because something attracts us to this specific person . It doesn’t matter what, but it attracts. So, depending on what attracts, we enter into such relationships. But there is another side here. For these relationships, so to speak, to happen, it is necessary that something attracts the other person to us! But are we aware of what attracts another person to us? What is it about us that is important to another person? That is, we do something that someone else needs? Or does he expect us to do it for him? It’s surprising, but often our ideas about this are very far from reality. This is if we think about it at all. :)) Usually it’s easier for us to answer what we need and what we want from this relationship. Again, surprisingly, people often answer this question with difficulty. And the questions, by the way, are not at all idle, but define the essence of these relations. Well, for example, the relationship between a man and a woman. Love affairs. Which, for example, begin with the fact that a spark flares up between a man and a woman, as they say. But besides this miraculously arising “chemistry”, each of them has a whole series of personal attitudes about what roles a man has and what roles a woman has in a relationship. It just seems that everyone has the same thing! Please note, my dear readers, there are no complete, absolute coincidences in these settings, in principle! Because we are all unique. But, subconsciously, everyone expects that the other person will correspond to these attitudes. That is, everyone assumes that what is self-evident for him is also self-evident for the other. For example, a man, looking at the beautiful legs of his chosen one, expects that she will be incredibly good in bed. And for him this is a priority. And for her, the bed may be important, but in tenth place. And on the first, for example, that he will provide for her. Well, this is an example :) Or a woman, feeling a man’s strong hand supporting her when getting off the bus, takes it for granted that he is a jack of all trades around the house. Like, say, her father. And he, for example, prefers to use his physical strength in mountaineering. And he simply doesn’t know how to take care of the house. Again, for example:) It’s clear, there are countless variations here.:) Of course, most likely, having fallen in love, no one specifically thinks about it, but it’s just there in expectations. But what a cruel disappointment it can turn into later (and often does turn out that way) ) discrepancy between reality and expectations... I, of course, simplified this to the limit for clarity, but we necessarily have these or some other fantasies about another person. And these expectations are not necessarily confirmed in reality. What does this mean, dear friends? That