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How to understand if you need the practice of Lulling? Below is a list of statements. Just answer the way you feel, because there are no right or wrong answers, it is important to be as sincere as possible with yourself .When choosing yes or no, look first of all at how you end up doing in life. You often feel like you’re not good enough You criticize yourself much more often than others If everything is great in your life, you begin to worry that something bad is bound to happen It’s hard to say “no” to others You often don’t understand what exactly you want You easily spend money on others, but not on yourself You feel guilty if you refuse people You often feel that what you did could have been done faster, better, with better quality Guilt is your frequent companion , for any reason It is difficult for you to make decisions, any even small choice raises a lot of anxiety. When you achieve success, you tend to attribute it to the situation, the help of other people, but not to yourself You often experience a feeling of shame You believe that if you help others, you will adapt to theirs sacrificing your own interests, satisfying their needs first, they will treat you well. If you failed at something, something didn’t work out, you tend to attribute full responsibility for the failure to yourself. You are afraid that others will consider you an egoist if you will put your needs first You often feel that you are responsible for making sure your partner is happy If you feel strong anger or irritation towards people close to you, you then feel guilty for this for a long time As a child, you often thought that your parents were unhappy because of you Periodically you feel guilty before your parents for not living up to their expectations It’s difficult for you to do nothing (you either escape into music, or gadgets, or books) otherwise the anxiety will be serious It seems to you that the compliments that others give you people are undeserving You find it difficult to allow yourself to relax and rest as much as you want You try not to show others if something has happened to you (there is no point in washing dirty linen in public) You rarely feel at home in the company of your own You find it very difficult to defend your opinion You feel that as a parent you are not good enough for your children You are having a hard time with a breakup and are ready to maintain the relationship at any cost You strive to show others that everything is fine with you, even if this is not the case at all It is difficult to build close and trusting relationships You are often jealous It is difficult to trust You are used to controlling everything It is difficult to rely on someone, so you hope you only rely on yourself This questionnaire was created to understand whether the practice of Lulling will be useful for you. If the number of “Yes” is more than 13, the practice of Lulling will be very useful to you. Lulling is a bodily and transformational practice that works specifically with early childhood experiences, as well as with blocked emotions , feelings and experiences. It allows you to relive/rewrite early negative experiences. If you have from 25 to 33 “No” answers, you can be congratulated, you have good self-esteem. You are capable of standing up for yourself. Most likely, you are building fairly strong and understandable relationships, and as a child your parents were able to give you a stable attachment. Or you have worked hard working with your psyche and achieved remarkable success. If you have from 17 to 25 “No” answers Questions about relationships with yourself , it’s worth dealing with your childhood experience, otherwise it can significantly ruin your life, not only for you, but also for your loved ones (children, if there are any in the first place). If your “No” answers are less than 17. This result indicates serious internal pain. It is most likely difficult for you to build close relationships and anxiety is your constant companion. And we can assume that they are connected with a fairly early experience, and simply deciding that from tomorrow it will be different will definitely not work. Often you don’t even remember about this experience..