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From the author: Five magic phrases that can stop any manipulator All of us, one way or another, encounter manipulators in our communication. The most common definition of manipulation is a hidden influence aimed at changing a person’s perception or forcing him to perform some action. The main signs of such communication are the emerging feeling of guilt, action “through force”, the feeling of some kind of sediment after communication. The idea of ​​“energy vampires,” so popular among our mothers, is also rooted in interaction with manipulators. The games of manipulators are beautifully described by Eric Berne in his book “Games People Play.” There are several wonderful phrases that can keep us safe when communicating with such people: 1. Thank you for your opinion - you thank the person for the opinion he expressed and assign him the authorship of impersonal phrases, for example, “all women are fools.”2. How does this relate to your life? Usually people react to their own unprocessed traumatic situations, thus projecting their experience. For example, they remark to you that you did not turn off your phone at the cinema. There is a ninety-nine chance out of a hundred that the person making a remark to you will have their phone ringing at that moment. This phrase usually provokes retaliatory aggression, so you should not use it in a conversation with your boss or the person on whom you depend in a given situation.3. I'm bored and uninteresting - an evaluative phrase that also contributes to the outburst of aggression. It can be said if you are not interested in the subject of the conversation or in discussing this or that situation for the hundredth time, for example, discussing the personal lives of stars or the recipe for a cabbage pie prepared by a colleague.4. But the fact that? or: So what? Acts as a clarification of the situation. For example, they ask you to take some action and scare you with the consequences. It’s worth asking several times: “So what?”, and it becomes clear that the consequences exist only in the head of your counterpart or the proposed action is beneficial to your interlocutor, but not beneficial to you.5. I won't discuss this. Dots all the i’s, the most ponderous phrase of all, it implies a complete withdrawal from contact, at least on the topic of conversation. And finally, it should be remembered that manipulators do not like honesty and direct conversation about feelings. If you immediately say that you are annoyed or do not buy flattery, one of the favorite techniques of manipulators, then the conversation will immediately come to naught. Published by http://she.ngs.ru/blogs/more/1970951/