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Breaking up a relationship is always painful. Especially if they lasted for a long period of time and ended abruptly and unexpectedly. Of course, the circumstances under which a man and a woman separate can be very different, but in the end the two are left with a not-so-good feeling in their souls. This can be expressed in feelings such as frustration, resentment and even anger. These experiences are quite difficult for any person, and in a state of stress (after all, separation is stress) they can reach their peak values. In such a situation, a person’s lifestyle and its meaning essentially change. Being in such a state, a person naturally wants to get rid of negative experiences as quickly as possible (with the exception of those who find pleasure in suffering). But at the same time, he often loses sight of the fact that he needs to be more attentive to the means that he is going to use for this. Often, both men and women consider starting a new relationship immediately after a breakup to be one of the effective ways to get out of such a state. As they say in folk wisdom, we knock out wedge with wedge. In such cases, both men and women have the illusion that everything will be different in a new relationship, but often people fall into the trap of their own grievances. And then the new relationship becomes just a way to take revenge on former partners. Moreover, when unexperienced resentment or annoyance at a partner begins to control behavior, then a man and a woman behave differently. Men, in such a situation, not always consciously, but try, will express their revenge through the desire to completely subjugate a woman in a new relationship. Thus, the man in her person takes revenge on his former partner. He expresses his negativity through the almost complete suppression of a woman’s desires, he may even resort to violence, he needs obedience bordering on slavery. For men in such situations, an inward orientation is more typical; he builds his behavior this way not for others, he wants to raise his self-esteem in his own eyes. At the same time, his ex may not know that he has someone else. Thus, the man’s revenge will be completely addressed to the new partner. It is she who he can hurt. If we imagine this as a metaphor, then this is a little boy who takes out his anger on someone weaker and at the same time cries. Women most often express their revenge on their ex-man in a different way. Since the opinions of others are important to a woman, she will try to advertise her new relationship everywhere. The goal is for the ex to understand who he has lost. At the same time, the attitude towards the man himself, in a new relationship, will most likely consist of manipulations and claims. Because a woman will simply have nowhere to get the energy for real feelings. In such a situation, a woman will demand expensive gifts from her newly-made partner that she can show off in society. The goal is the same revenge. A woman who chooses the path of revenge will strive to be in company as often and as long as possible. This can be evidenced by the appearance of a large number of new photos on her social networks, where she is outwardly happy. Metaphorically, this can be imagined as a girl who is very scared alone. It is useful for people who have experienced a breakup to know that entering into a new relationship is much more useful when the old one is over. And the person does not have any strong negative feelings. It is necessary to go through a number of changes, and first of all within yourself, it’s like getting over a bad cold, it’s better to get treatment to the end so that there are no complications. Live with joy! Anton Chernykh.