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Who hasn’t wanted to take a decisive gesture at least once and change their life... for the better. And you can’t find a better reason - New Year, the beginning of the month, Monday - again, the beginning of the week. And if you turn to the Internet, it turns out that doing this is as easy as shelling pears, all you need to do is think positively and wish everyone happiness, focusing on thoughts of success. And drive destructive thoughts away, replacing them with self-confidence and the desire for a wonderful future. But for some reason this rule doesn’t work, or if it does help, it’s for a very short time, and then everything returns to normal and the newly arisen desire to “change life for the better” speaks of its unfulfillment and the continuing growing need for these changes . So what’s the catch, why can’t you instantly fill your life with the energy of happiness? Every person, in the process of development and upbringing, the formation of his personality, from family, school, from communication with peers, learns various rules, attitudes, beliefs, stereotypes, which then, in the process of life, they are colored by the acquisition of certain experiences, and the more of these stereotypes, and the more rigid they are (Wikipidia - rigidity, hardness, elasticity, inelasticity), the longer the path must be taken to obtain the desired changes. No matter how hard you try, you cannot pour into an overfilled vessel. All this will “spread,” bringing even greater discontent and despair. A gradual awareness of what previous attitudes and beliefs carried within them, what they served for and what they protected from, while working with a psychologist, will lead to expanding the horizons of self-knowledge, and therefore to increasing opportunities for finding new... constructive decision-making options.