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From the author: Often emotions overwhelm us at the wrong time in the wrong place, when there is no way to give them an outlet. What to do if inside you, like an awakened volcano, everything is boiling and bubbling, and it seems to you that just a little more and you will be “torn apart”. I offer you several methods of emergency self-help in such a case. I will gratefully accept your options into my collection. 1. Get moving. Emotions trigger the “fight or flight” response in the body; indeed, it was these two actions that allowed many generations of our ancestors to survive in dangerous situations. In our body, there seems to be an “emergency mobilization” of all systems responsible for performing such actions. To smooth out the consequences of such mobilization, it is enough to move actively: do several active physical exercises, go up and down the stairs several times, if you are in the office, or go out for a walk with the dog, walk to the store if you are at home. 2. Breathe. The best way to reduce the intensity of emotions is to breathe through them. Inhale and exhale deeply several times, focusing on exhaling slowly.3. Wash your face and rinse your hands. When you need to reduce emotional intensity quickly, just hold your hands under running water for a while and wash yourself.4. Imagine something pleasant. Think of a place where you spent your holidays or some place from your childhood, or you can imagine some kind of shelter that will protect you from the negativity of others.5. Share your experiences with someone. Talk about your emotions and what caused them. 6. Switch your attention to some kind of intellectual activity. Once you concentrate on solving the task at hand, emotions will fade into the background. If you can’t concentrate on solving a problem that is really important to you, you can occupy your brain with something simple, for example, start counting the red cars passing outside the window, count all the blue objects in the room, and then remember all the blue items in your wardrobe, or all blue toys that you had as a child, and then imagine what your bedroom will look like if you paint the walls blue... As you can see, there are many variations.7. Shake off your emotions. Literally brush yourself off as if you had soiled yourself with something.8. Come up with some kind of ritual for “letting go” of emotions. For example, make a paper airplane and fly it out the window. Rituals primarily affect our unconscious, so they allow you to quickly cope with the emotions that engulf you.9. Give someone a hug or ask them to give you a little massage. Body contact is calming and relaxing. You can even cuddle with a pet. The effect will be the same.:)10. Draw your emotion right now. With a pen, pencil, on any piece of paper, in the margins of a notebook or diary. It doesn’t matter what quality the drawing will be, even if you only get zigzags and incomprehensible curved lines. Then you can crumple the sheet, burn it or tear it into small pieces, which will give you an additional opportunity to throw out your emotions. Click thank you and recommend the article on social networks if you want more happy people around you :)