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How to make peace after a quarrel? Crises happen in any relationship. People quarrel with friends, colleagues, relatives and complete strangers. Sometimes they break up forever, sometimes they make up. Psychologists say that competent conflict is a good way to develop relationships. But the truth of this statement is difficult to believe when emotions are in full swing. How to make a man agree that he is wrong? How to prove the correctness of your point of view? How to make peace with your loved one after a quarrel, when so many hurtful words have already been said? What to do if he left, slamming the door? It happens that the development of relationships in a couple occurs with a constant intensity of passions. Such strange families, in which the spouses constantly scold and amuse themselves, can last indefinitely and they do not have problems with reconciliation. But unless you are both pathological arguers, conflict is painful for both of you. Relationship psychology teaches us that men and women show emotions differently. And you need to know how to take the right step towards your loved one. Family relationships rarely go smoothly; it should be remembered that responsibility for the love sphere lies with the woman. Therefore, a smart wife will definitely learn to behave correctly during a quarrel.1. Speak directly! To resolve a conflict constructively, it is important to understand its true cause. And here married couples are faced with the fact that women often prefer to speak in hints, and men do not understand hints. To avoid misunderstandings, talk about the problem directly, but without accusations. Frame your message in terms of “I want you to” rather than “It’s your fault.”2. Ask yourself a question: Do I want to prove that he is wrong or do I want to restore peace? How to force a man to admit that he is wrong in a dispute? No way. Men are warriors, players and debaters. In the heat of battle, instinct does not allow them to yield. How to prove the correctness of your position? No way. Proving, the wife only inflames the spirit of the warrior. A reasonable woman will not continue to heat up the atmosphere. She will simply express her opinion and move away. Allows her husband to cool down and reflect. Under the influence of sober calculation, a man will make the right decision if you refrain from the temptation to put pressure on him.3. Stop in time! That is why, if in the midst of a conflict the husband left, slamming the door, it is not recommended to run after him, demanding an explanation. Take a break. For men: 1. Let her talk! Women don't know how to put up in silence. A woman talks about her feelings and expects a man to understand them. To do this, it is not necessary to immediately take any action, it is enough to simply listen, show that you hear and understand, and do not brush it off as an annoying hindrance. There are wonderful phrases: “I see that you are upset” “I see that you are hurt” You will be surprised what a magical effect the use of these phrases has while maintaining calm and goodwill.2. During a quarrel, women are deaf! During a quarrel, no arguments are needed! Make it a rule to express your wishes to your partner in a peaceful environment. You can convey your arguments, reasonable arguments and correct decisions to the woman when you and she are in a good, calm state. During a quarrel, in order for a woman’s ears to open and her to hear you, you need to make it clear that you see her emotions. The development of family relationships requires correct behavior from the husband. Even if a woman has lost control of her emotions and said too much, after a quarrel you need to feel sorry for her and hug her. In family life, the development of relationships between a man and a woman often occurs through mutual concessions. But there are conflicts that reveal problems related to the sphere of moral values. Is it possible to make peace with a person who has committed meanness? How much and when should you give in so as not to lose yourself? Source, gifts, promotions