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From the author: when reprinting, please refer to the author, you can subscribe to new publications on my page Hello, I decided to write a short article - experience in running a Viber group. Internet technologies are constantly developing forward and how to integrate one’s activities into them, including for a psychologist, comes only with experience. People are switching to a convenient format of communication - a format of communication using Internet technologies - various programs and applications. There is such a fashionable application as Viber. There you can exchange pictures, messages, including voice messages. I created a psychological Viber group about 5 months ago, the group was filled with about 80 people and periodically decreased and increased. Participation in the group was free, demo consultations were conducted by a psychologist in chat mode, with certain psychological tasks being completed from me. Various topics were raised, but since the main participants were young mothers, the questions concerned mainly the upbringing of children, starting from infancy, issues of child-parent relations, issues of relationships between children’s parents, between grandparents and their grandchildren. I will say your feelings: - on the one hand, comfort - you are not busy with your body during a consultation, that is, you don’t go to the office, don’t waste time on your hair, clothes, and you can kind of stir the soup on the stove with your second hand, - on the other hand, you are constantly energetically turned on consulting situation, the client with the request “hangs” somewhere in the background in the head until the stop is said, - due to the nature of the consultation, the answer may not come immediately from the client, and if you, as a psychologist, have already prepared the next logical question, then the freeze again - from the point above - I made audio recordings of answers, and again I realized that the waste of energy was becoming even greater than initially expected - many simply started writing in a personal message, there are no filters for this, - freezing and technically - any equipment can simply fly off or go out of order building, - violation of boundaries - in the group there is no control over the time of writing any information, even for example, not related to the topic raised, nor the content, in the morning I had to clean the tapes, - the risk of the client going into trauma and the psychologist’s lack of control over this is great , since, again, reality is not physically alone, or rather, you can control the boundaries - but again leaving and wasting your energy. In general, this is from my side, but here are the reviews of the group members: I post these reviews in the form of photographs: For those whoever thinks that Viber and other applications can replace real communication will usually be disappointed, since nothing can replace the psychologist + client alliance, because it is also trust. The trust that arises when reading non-verbal language and energy by the client of the psychologist and the psychologist by the client. Therefore, before you decide to communicate on Viber, you should think and accept the peculiarities. Be prepared for some disappointment. A psychologist is not a program. Not a live application. And you should always find the opportunity to find an alliance live with someone who will lead you through the depths of your unconscious, who will analyze next to you and return your psychological defenses to you. With a live consultation, you won’t run into a corner to “think”, unlike push-button communication. With respect, and see you live. - You can sign up for a consultation using this link: https://www.b17.ru/khanova/?prt=32812- if when reprinting, refer to the author; you can subscribe to new publications on the author’s page https://www.b17.ru/articles/khanova/?prt=32812