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Isolation and quarantine are a test for all of us. Yes, at first glance: stay at home, relax, watch movies, drink tea, read fairy tales to your child. Sounds tempting. Save the world while lying on the couch. Just a month ago this seemed like a desirable utopia and a good old joke. Now the situation has rapidly changed. Millions of people are locked within four walls. Some with family, some alone. But for each of us this is the situation things - to a greater extent the mobilization of one's own resources than rest. Man is adaptive by nature. However, we all need time to adapt to new conditions and develop new rules and rhythm of life taking into account the changes that have occurred. First of all, it is important to remember that everything passes, whether we like it or not. “Nothing lasts forever under the sun.” After a couple of days Years from now, we will remember how it was when we rewatch a drama or thriller based on real events. But in the present, the responsibility of each of us is to take care of our emotional and moral well-being. By virtue of my profession, for several days now I Every day I receive questions about how to protect yourself from growing panic, anxiety, depression, and conflicts in the family. In this article, dear readers, I want to share with you a few simple recommendations that can support each of us during this difficult quarantine time:1 .Don’t look at the horrors and details of the pandemic. If you need to get information, choose trusted sources, statistical facts and focus on the fact that there are people who have recovered and are successfully coping with the virus (both people and countries). As I said classic “Don’t read Soviet newspapers”, and if there are no others, then don’t read any. 2. Do routine or household activities: work out with your child, watch a movie. Cleaning, handicrafts, sports, creativity, cooking, reading, playing music - everything is good in this is the time. Switch from one activity to another more often. Physical activity takes up energy, focuses attention on current affairs and needs, on what is happening at the moment. 3. Reduce demands on yourself and your loved ones. Allow both yourself and them during quarantine, be lazy and ineffective. Nature also has a period of rest, when nothing blooms or bears fruit. 4. If you are anxious, you can drink light over-the-counter sedatives like Afobazole. 5. Express your emotions: talk about how anxious you are and scared, complain, cry. You can do this on a pillow or on paper. But it is much more effective to find a caring and sympathetic person who can listen and support you. It is the experiences shared with someone that have a chance to become lived, that is, those that have exhausted themselves. At the same time, professional psychological consultation in most cases is much more environmentally friendly (more gentle and safer) both in relation to oneself and in relation to to those around you.6.Seek help.You don’t have to cope with everything on your own.In a critical situation, not only current problems become aggravated, but also all of our “painful calluses” from the past, conscious or not. This is why it can be so “unreasonably” difficult for us. Remember, in the modern world it is not difficult to get psychological support: there are both free hotlines and professionals specializing in crisis conditions, phobias and panic attacks. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. The pandemic will end, and the skill of surviving it successfully can become an invaluable experience for everyone from U.S. The article was published on my website: http://lialanda.ru/statji/post/karantin-i-izolyaciya