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Preschool age is an important stage in a child’s development; at this age, the harmonious development of a person’s primary skills, which are called soft skills, is important. Let’s consider this concept in the context of child development. What are soft skills in simple words? Soft skills are the so-called “primary, soft” or "soft skills". These skills are important for personal development, successful communication, successful study and future work. Soft skills include: emotional intelligence, empathy - the ability to negotiate, understand and take into account the feelings of oneself and other people, show one’s feelings, the ability to empathize with others, enjoy one’s and other people’s successes; communication skills, cooperation, teamwork - participation in joint games, the ability to resolve conflicts, the ability to choose children participants for joint activities, the ability to follow social norms of behavior in relationships with adults and peers; creativity - flexible mind and creative approach - development of imagination in various types of activities; analytical, critical thinking - the ability to analyze, reason, make one’s own decisions based on one’s knowledge and skills in various types of activities; initiative, personal effectiveness - manifestation of initiative and independence in different types of activities. How to develop soft skills for a child: Classes at home, in the family - parents’ independent selection of developmental material, organization of classes - reading encyclopedias, fiction books with their subsequent analysis, for example, why do you think this happened, why did this character behave this way, what was the result received, what could have been done to make it different, etc. Board games, educational videos, quests and much more. The system and regularity of classes is important. Daily activities in the group include the selection of interest groups and clubs, taking into account the child’s intellectual and creative interests and abilities. Do not send your child to a circle where the activity is not pleasant or suitable for the child, although you think it is necessary and useful. This will be ineffective and not useful for the child. Children often turn to adults when difficulties arise; the parent’s task is not to rush to offer a solution, explain an idea for solving the difficulty that has arisen, but ask the child how he himself thinks how to cope with it. This requires time, patience, and pedagogical tact, but these actions will pay off in full. Parents must understand what degree of intervention will be effective. Sports - it is important to choose the type of sport or physical activity that suits the child’s health, physical abilities and interests. In classes, the child trains the body, improves health, and also acquires the skills necessary to develop motivation and achieve goals; Sports activities also develop the ability to work in a team, distribute roles, make decisions, act, motivate to achieve joint victory. Preschool age is the main stage in the life of a child’s development, in which the development of all basic skills for the successful activities of a future adult occurs. Natalya Dyachenko, children psychologist-psychotherapist, Novorossiysk On issues of raising children, child-parent relationships, you can sign up for a consultation with meRegister on the website - https://www.b17.ru/?prt=878096