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(Continuation of the article The main reason for female loneliness) Yesterday I came to realize the main reason for female loneliness. And after this comes an understanding of how this can be changed. I hasten to share with you! Quite recently, a couple of years ago, the existence of a quantum field was mathematically proven. Scientists who were able to prove the existence of the fourth dimension received the Nobel Prize for this discovery. In this quantum field, information spreads instantly. If you remember, the speed of sound and light are not instantaneous. Therefore, an explosion on some star, billions of light years away from us, reaches us after billions of years. But if someone on another part of the planet thinks about you with great tenderness in their heart, then this information will instantly reach your heart. Why am I saying this? Besides, thanks to the quantum field, information about our feelings spreads instantly and everywhere, during this is all a quantum field. Which, as scientists have found out, has neither a beginning nor an end. If you think with great love about your beloved man, who at that moment is “cruising” the expanses of some ocean, he will feel it. At that same moment, suddenly, out of the blue, he will remember you and his heart will feel warm and good. Or he won’t remember you because, unlike you, he is not in love (yes, this also happens). But he will still feel good. Important! Information is spread not by brain impulses (thoughts), but by feelings. If you just think, without feelings, then the information will “settle” within a radius of a few centimeters from your head. But if you connect feelings to thoughts, the result will be quantum. That is, our heart is the “transmitter” of information. Now it becomes clear why what is realized in our lives is not what we think about ourselves, but what we feel about ourselves and about ourselves. We feel with our hearts. And if there is fear in our heart, then this fear is transmitted far beyond the body. Beyond the boundaries of the place where we live, the country where we live. We attract to ourselves, into our lives, into our space, those circumstances, people, events that are in tune with our vibrations! This is why a woman who has a fear of close relationships attracts his life to a man who is incapable of close relationships. Or this woman is left alone altogether. Her heart emits the information “I’m afraid of close relationships” into the quantum field. Somewhere there is a man walking around with exactly the same feeling. His heart also radiates this feeling of fear. And they meet. It’s not opposites that attract. People who are in tune with each other are attracted. In this example, a woman and a man with a similar feeling of fear are attracted. At the same time, they may have different character traits. It turns out that the main and only reason for female loneliness is the fear of love and close relationships! What does understanding the cause give us? We can go further and realize what we can do about it. After all, every woman wants to love and be loved, even if she says otherwise. There are two main feelings in our hearts - love and fear. All other feelings, such as joy, anger, peace, irritation and others, are derived from these two fundamental states. If there is a lot of fear in the heart, then there is much less love in it. Therefore, if you perform actions filled with care and love, then fear will be “repressed” from the heart. Love will dwell in it! And then any person living in the vibrations of love will attract people who can love. Their heart will already be open to love. But what about the lonely woman who wants to love, but remains alone? She needs to start living a life that contains more love. This is not only and not so much meditation (although they improve the general condition). To “fill” yourself with love, specific actions are needed. We are changed by our actions, not by thinking about them. What should we start doing today so that tomorrow we can hear the cherished words “Good morning, my love”? Take care of