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THINKING (from 5 years old).1. “We describe the various properties of objects.” Describe any object or toy. Questions: what color? What is it made of? What is it intended for? etc. Complication: tell a fairy tale or story about this subject. For example: “apple”. What is it like? What fairy tales do you know that talk about a magic apple? Tell these fairy tales." Try to come up with some new fairy tale or story where we are talking about an apple or apples. 2. “We continue to get acquainted with the properties of objects.” We hide the toy. We describe it to the child (appearance, properties of the hidden object). Child must name what kind of object (toy) it is. 3. “Who flies?” Purpose: to highlight the essential characteristics of objects. Assignment: if the presenter names someone or something that can fly, the children spread their arms to the side, if not, do not. raise their hands. 4. “Edible - inedible.” (with a ball).” I will name objects, for example: “apple, orange, cheese, ball, window, doll, chalk, onion, book, etc. edible, then you must catch the thrown ball, if it’s inedible, we don’t catch the ball. 5. We get to know the signs of objects with the help of riddles: “Shaggy, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings songs,” “There is a snout in the front, a hook in the back, and a back in the middle.” , and on the back there is bristles.” “There are no legs, but I walk, there is no mouth, but I jump, when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work.” “A blue scarf, a scarlet bun, rolling around on the scarf, smiling at people.” “A ball of fluff, a long ear, jumps nimbly, loves carrots.” “They fly without wings, they run without legs, they swim without sails.” 6. Familiarity with the ways of applying or using objects. Goal: List as many uses of the item as possible. Example: “A newspaper is used for reading. Can you think of other ways to use it?” (task options: book, notebook, canned food, jar, bucket, shovel, stool). 7. “We are looking for the same properties of objects.” Tasks:1. Place a few small items in the bag. Determine by touch what these things are. Are there any identical things among the proposed ones..2. Find the same ones among several toys or things. 8. “We are looking for various properties of objects.” It is necessary to find an object, a figure that is different from others. Determine how an object or figure differs. 9. “Comparison of objects.” 1). Compare objects with each other, look for four similarities and differences. Material: geometric shapes: triangle, square, circle, rectangle; 4 colors and 2 sizes. (16 large geometric figures of 4 types and 4 colors; 16 small geometric figures of 4 types and 4 colors). Select figures that differ in one feature; figures that differ in two features; three features (choose the most dissimilar ones).2 ). “Comparison of words.” For comparison, we give pairs of words: fly and butterfly; house and hut; table and chairs; book and notebook; water and milk; ax and hammer; piano and violin. Questions: Did you see the fly? And the butterfly? Are a fly and a butterfly similar or not? Are they similar? How are they different from each other? 3). Comparison of objects. Game "Who is it like?" (verbal) What animal does a rabbit look like? (hare). What are their similarities and differences? What tree is similar to spruce? (pine). What are their similarities and differences? By what signs can you distinguish a deer from other animals? etc. 10. “Classification” 1). Arrange the subject pictures into groups. 2). Arrange subject pictures with images of animals into groups: those who live in water; those who live in the forest, those who live in hot countries.3). From a set of cards, choose something: a) that can be eaten (edible); b) that is made by man; c) those that depict 6 (9,7,5) objects, etc. 4). Place all the pine cones in one box and all the shells in another. 5). Place small shells (buttons) in one box and large shells in another.6). Place long sticks in one pile and short ones in another. 7). Of all the buttons, choose only round ones.8). Sort buttons by color. Red ones in one pile, green ones in another, etc.(similar to tape).11. Classification according to known characteristics: those that are not directly visible, but appear when objects interact with each other. a) select objects that sink; b) choose objects that do not sink; c) choose objects that can break, etc. 12. Game. Prepare 15 different items. For example: cup, plate, bag, bread, sugar, towel, fork, spoon, handkerchief, kitchen board, rolling pin, nail, hook, key, pencil. Select: metal objects, edible, heavy, soft, white, round, long, wooden, small, rectangular, which can be hung by a thread.13. Classification work at home: sort out purchases (sort); what should you put in the refrigerator? what should you put in the freezer? what should you put on the bathroom shelf? where to put washing powder? where do the cereals go? washing: sort laundry into white and colored;14. “The Word on the Palm” “I will find words everywhere, in the sky, in the water, on the floor, on the ceiling, on the nose and on the hand. Haven't you heard this? No problem! Let's play with words! Let's look for words in.....water (fish, algae, shells, pebbles..).15. “Classification of geometric shapes” (color, shape, size).16. “Find objects of the same color.” Each child has a sheet of colored paper. Select pyramid rings of the appropriate color.17. “Big - small.” Small and large doll. The clothes of both dolls lie nearby. Children sort clothes and place them near the corresponding doll.18. “Shape”. Pictures with images of a rectangle, triangle, circle, square are distributed. Children look for objects of a certain shape.19. “Generalization-exception”. 1). Search for an extra picture2). Sequence of work: Ø “3 extra” (with pictures); “4 extra” (with pictures); “3 extra” (on verbal material); “4 extra” (on verbal material). Question: “Why extra?” “How can you name the remaining items in one word?” SET OF WORDS: 1. Table, chair, bed, kettle.2. Horse, dog, cat, pike.3. Fir tree, birch, oak, strawberry.4. Cucumber, turnip, carrot, hare,5. Notepad, newspaper, notebook, briefcase6. Cucumber, watermelon, apple, ball.7. Wolf, fox, bear, cat.8. Violet, chamomile, carrots, cornflower.9. Doll, car, jump rope, book. 10. Train, plane, scooter, steamship. 11. Sparrow, eagle, wasp, swallow. 12. Skis, skates, boat, sled. 13.Chair, hammer, plane, saw.14.Snow, frost, heat, ice.15.Cherry, grapes, potatoes, plum.16. Bus, tram, plane, trolleybus.17.River, forest, asphalt, field.18.Fireman, astronaut, ballerina, policeman.19.Desk, board, textbook, hedgehog.20.Snake, snail, butterfly, turtle.21. Paints, brushes, teapot, canvas. 22. Hat, roof, door, window. 23. Milk, tea, lemonade, bread. 24. Leg, arm, head, shoe. 25. Brave, angry, daring, daring.26. Apple, plum, cucumber, pear. 27. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread. 28. Hour, minute, summer, second.29.Spoon, plate, pan, bag.30.Dress, sweater, hat, shirt.31.Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo.32.Pine, birch, oak, strawberry.33 .Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.20. “Necessary - not necessary” “I want to plant a vegetable garden. Do you need cabbage? Needed! Do you need a pear? - "No". Having planted a vegetable garden, they plant a garden.21. “Vegetables and fruits” Pictures with vegetables and fruits are distributed. On command you need to quickly connect in accordance with the concept.22. “Call them in one word.” We list several items, ask you to say what unites them, how they can be called in one word: 1. soup, porridge, goulash, jelly;2. horse, cow, sheep, pig; 3. chicken, goose, duck, turkey;4. wolf, fox, bear, hare;5. cabbage, potatoes, onions, beets;6. coat, scarf, jacket, suit;7. shoes, boots, sneakers, sandals;8. hat, cap, skullcap, beret;9. linden, birch, spruce, pine; 10. green, blue, red, yellow; 11. ball, cube, rhombus, square; 12. TV, iron, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator; 13. car, tractor, tram, bus; 23. “Living - non-living” Game with a ball: if the leader calls “living”, everyone claps, “non-living” - they don’t clap.(Similarly: fruits and vegetables, wild and domestic animals, etc.) 24. “Answer in one word.” Apple tree, oak, chestnut are (trees) Perch, pike, crucian carp are (fish, etc.)25. “Name three objects.”1) I will name one word, for example “furniture”, and the one to whom I throw the ball will name three objects that can be combined with this word (table, chair, sofa...).2) Vice versa : I will say three words, and you will say how these words can be combined into one word. For example, “currants, strawberries, gooseberries - “berries” 26. “Train” Material: 10 cards of the same size. Each picture is a “trailer”. All “cars” must be different. We take five pictures and say: “We will play train. I'm posting the first picture. Then you put yours down and we’ll put them down one by one. You get carriages next to the train. But on a real train, the carriages are fastened to each other so as not to come loose while moving. Our > trailers must also be fastened. We put a SPOON, behind it you can put any picture, for example: a picture with a PLATE on it. We will fasten the spoon and the plate because they are Utensils. After that, we put a picture in which there is a VASE FOR FLOWERS. We put the plate and vase together because they are made of the same material, PORCELAIN. Now we’ll take turns putting down our pictures and explaining how to fasten them together. 26. “Name the words” (developing flexibility of thinking). 1. Name the words for trees (birch, pine, spruce, cedar, rowan...).2. Animals.3. Pets.4. Ground transportation.5. Air transport.6. Water transport.7. Fruits.8. Name words related to sports (football, hockey...) 27.Analysis-synthesis1. "Logical tables". "Logical square". 2. “Where is Pinocchio’s mistake?” “Malvina wanted to teach Pinocchio to draw beautiful patterns. She drew patterns and told him: “Draw exactly the same.” But Pinocchio was distracted all the time, and he got it right and then wrong. Find where Pinocchio's mistakes are and help him correct them.3. “Draw the missing figure instead of the dots.”4. Work according to the model: drawing, modeling, appliqué, design. Learn to analyze a sample, correlate its elements with what the child has already done, find and correct mistakes..5. “Well, guess it.” Material: cards with images of various objects. 1). The driver makes a wish for one of them. Children must guess what object he wished for by asking any questions except a direct question about the name. Questions: Can you drink from this object? No. Does it have arms or legs? No. Can it sail on the sea? No. Can you ride it? Yes. Does it ride on rails? Yes. Is this a steam locomotive? Yes. Number of questions 8-10. If you haven't guessed right, change it. 2). The same thing, only two subgroups of children, some guess, others guess. Answer only “Yes” or “No”. 3). Describe the object in the picture without showing it. Children must guess. For example: “It’s hanging on the street. He has three eyes of different colors. Both people and machines obey him.”4). The same as in the third option, only the children have 2-4 cards in their hands. You need to find the right picture according to the description. “Yellow, round body, round head, sharp beak.” 6. “Find objects.” The presenter names 1-2 common features, 2-3 objects and asks to show them. “Grows on a tree, you can eat” - “apples and cherries.” 7. “Find common features among objects.” “A fish and a boat swim.”8. “Find out from the description what this is?” “Wheels, cabin, body, steering wheel. What's this?" (car)9. “Riddles.” “The sun is baking, the linden tree is blooming, the rye is ripening. When does this happen? (listing the signs is the answer). Description - “analysis”, answer - “synthesis”. 10. “Description of an object.” Describe the tree, its size, color, shape of leaves, presence of seeds, fruits. Guess what kind of tree it is. 28. Difficult situations. (Decision making and planning).1. Misha spilled jam on the floor. What should he do now? What is the best thing to do?2. In line, Sasha squeezed in front of Tanya. What should she do?3. Tanya went for a walk and got lost. What should she do? List all options. What to dothe best thing? What do you need to know in order to never get lost again? 29. Selection of words by analogy 1) cow-calf hen-(chicken) cat-(kitten) 2) night - moon day-(sun) 3) snow- skiing ice- (skates) 4) beginning - end of day - (night) 5) carrots - vegetable garden apple - (garden) 6) football - hockey ball - (puck) 7) hare - rabbit lynx - (cat) 8) steamship - sea plane - (sky) 9) winter - cold summer - (warm, hot) 10) horse - galloping hare - jumping 30. Inference: guessing, guessing based on existing data.1. The man was eating a cutlet. Did he use a fork?2. Masha baked a pie for dad. Did she bake it in the oven?3. Mom stirred the coffee in the cup. Did she use a spoon? 31.Seriation. 1). Vova is taller than Petya. Vasya is taller than Vova. Who is taller than everyone. (Vasya). 2). Vova’s hair is lighter than Petya’s. And Kolya’s is lighter than Vova’s. Who has the lightest hair? (Kolya)3). Masha is taller than Nina. Nina is taller than Lisa. Who is tallest? (Masha).4). Galya is more fun than Olya, and Olya is more fun than Lisa. Who's the funniest? (Galya)If this type of problem causes difficulty, then we give simpler problems at the beginning: 1). Misha is stronger than Kolya. Who is weaker? 2). Marina is more fun than Katya. Who is sadder? 3). Kostya is taller than Petya. Who is lower?4). Petya is darker than Nina. Who is lighter?5). Katya is more attentive than Sveta. Sveta is more attentive than Zina. Who is the most attentive? (Katya).6). Polkan barks more often than Zhuchki. The bug barks more often than Barbosa. Who barks the least (less often) than everyone else? (Barbos)7). Murka meows more quietly than Barsik. Barsik meows more quietly than Pushka. Who meows the loudest? (Fuzz).32.Criticality of cognitive activity. “It happens - it doesn’t happen” The presenter names some situation and throws the ball to the child. The child must catch the ball if the named situation occurs, and if not, then there is no need to catch the ball.1. Dad went to work.2. The train flies across the sky. 3. The cat is hungry.4. A man builds a nest.5. The postman brought a letter.6. The bunny went to school.7. Salted apple.8. The hippopotamus climbed the tree.9. Rubber hat.10.The house went for a walk.11.Glass shoes|12.Pine cones grew on the birch tree.13.A wolf wanders through the forest.14.A wolf sits on a tree.15.A cup is boiled in a saucepan. 33. Conceptual thinking. “Complete the sentence” 1. Lemons are sour, and sugar... 2. The dog barks, and the cat...3. It's dark at night, and during the day....4. The grass is green and the sky...5. It's cold in winter, and in summer....6. You eat with your mouth and listen...7. In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon...8. The bird flies, and the snake...9. The boat floats, and the car...10.You look with your eyes, but you breathe...11.A man has two legs, and a dog...12.Birds live in nests, and people...13.It snows in winter, and in the fall... 14. They knit from wool, and from fabric... 15. A ballerina dances, and a pianist... 16. They saw wood, and they use nails... 17. A singer sings, and a builder... 18. A composer composes music, and the musician.... 34. Sequence of events.1). “Who will be who (what)?” Who (what) will be: egg, boy, seed, caterpillar, chicken, acorn, egg, flour, iron, brick, fabric, student, big, girl, kidney, puppy, wool, leather , calf, board, chick, kid, lamb.2). “Who (what) was?” who (what) was before: a chicken - an egg; a horse - a foal; a cow-calf; an oak - an acorn; a fish - an egg; apple tree - a seed; frog - a tadpole; butterfly - caterpillar; bread - flour; bird - chick; sheep - lamb; cabinet - board; bicycle - iron; shirt - fabric; boots - leather; house - brick; strong - weak; master - student; leaf - kidney; dog - puppy; fur coat - fur; goat - kid. 35. Thinking and fantasy.1). Material: two children's lotto cards with objects depicted on them. Each child comes up with a sentence that contains the name of 2 planned objects. 2). Two pictures showing objects. Come up with a word that is located between 2 planned objects and serves as a transition bridge between them: “goose” - “tree” - “fly up”. The goose flew up the tree. - “cut”. A goose was carved out of wood - “hid.” The goose hid behind a tree. - “Imagine.” Imagine that all the toys started talking. What would they say? 36.Questions for the development of thinking.1.?