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Introjects. How to get rid of other people’s attitudes and start living your own way. Many of us have watched the series of Hollywood films “Alien” or “Aliens.” About how something alien enters the body, enslaves, controls and destroys it. Introjects are also alien. Alien material: information, attitudes, rules, behavior patterns, feelings that we accepted without understanding, “digesting,” or comprehension. This is what we accept into our system of behavior, but have not learned, so that it really has become part of the body .Forced identification of oneself with someone else’s experience. As a result, a person does not live in his own way, does not satisfy actual needs, but lives from concepts about himself imposed from outside: responsibilities, norms, attitudes, rules of behavior, identifications. Force-feeding, education, morality, norms and rules, forced identification with parents, brothers, sisters. People study at universities in specialties in which they subsequently do not work, sit in jobs they hate for years, endure outdated relationships, limit themselves to prohibitions. At the same time, sensitivity and a feeling of disgust are suppressed .And this is a “scanner” for authenticity, organicity. In order to detect what is not truly yours, it is important to learn to develop a critical, selective attitude towards what is offered. In order to get rid of alien inclusions in your personality, it is necessary to restore contact with ourselves, sensitivity, feeling of disgust. Realizing and experiencing disgust, we receive an impulse to reject the unnecessary, superficial, unacceptable. We allow ourselves healthy aggression, as a function of preventing introjection. We say “No” to other people’s influence. And we live according to our own interests, goals, needs. And this makes us happy, harmonious, holistic. However, in fairness, I would like to note that not all introjects need to be gotten rid of. If what you have adopted provides security, promotes you, makes you more successful, happier and organic to you, then such attitudes, beliefs and strategies are more useful to accept, assimilate, and consciously apply. Share in the comments which attitudes are difficult for you to live with, and which, on the contrary, make life easier.