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The origins of confidence or uncertainty are in our childhood, in the experience we received, in the reaction to our actions of the adults around us, primarily our parents. You can spend a very long time understanding your past, working with childhood traumas. I am for more effective ways. And in this article I invite you to look at confidence as a skill. This focus opens up completely different opportunities. After all, a skill can be trained. It’s all about the “simulator” methods and the regularity of training. We can also ask ourselves questions: Why do I most often feel insecure? What situations increase my insecurity? In this article I will offer you 5 ways to increase your confidence. And in more detail about them in the following publications. Method 1. In most cases, uncertainty arises when we start something new, in which we have no experience. We are not sure of success, or we are afraid of the unknown. And we begin to confuse all these sensations. If you notice that your uncertainty in a situation when you need to do something new is increasing, then you can figure out: - the adequacy of the goal - motivation - clarity of the plan. Method 2. Look at your environment with question - How do I get support from my environment? Very often people begin to feel insecure when there is no support in their environment. And if such support is important to you, then look for communities where you are supported. Where they believe in you and your strengths. And share your ideas only in such communities! Method 3. Feelings of uncertainty can be very selective. After all, there are definitely situations in your life where you feel 100% confident. Remember such situations! Choose those where your confidence is greatest. Write them down in your notebook. There are at least two options for how to work with them further. And more details in the next article! Method 4. Perhaps your brain does not have enough neural connections that will increase confidence. One way to create them is to work with affirmations. This method is based on scientifically proven facts why it works. Therefore, feel free to formulate a phrase that is comfortable for you, containing any positive attitude. And repeat it throughout the day. Method 5. Perhaps your insecurity is caused by hormonal imbalance. Too many stress hormones have accumulated in your body: cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine. It is necessary to help the body tissues cleanse themselves of them. The best way to cope with this is through light physical activity. Even a half-hour walk in the evening allows the body to cope with the consequences of stressful situations. So, here are 5 ways to increase self-confidence. Practice them separately or together. And remember that being confident is a skill that you can develop in yourself! If you need support in training your confidence, get in touch! Record in any messenger +7-927-158-91-63