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So, friends, we have reached the final part of our thematic trilogy on working with protracted anxieties. In previous publications, we metaphorically built a protective House of the Soul, with strong supports and a stable load-bearing wall. Today we will put a roof on it. Remember our allegory? Protective House of the Soul. A house that will shelter us from anxiety and restless elements. Wonderful! Let's continue! So, we are building a psychologically protective ROOF that will finally drive away our anxiety. How exactly? Through environmentally friendly, relevant defenses, where the main criterion is care, in the absence of harmful implementations. Let us list these and reveal their compensation. Rationalization. First, let’s remember the definition... Rationalization is a protective mechanism of the psyche that attempts to explain the unexplained ( or not accepted by society) behavior, in an effort to preserve self-esteem, self-perception and face. During anxious periods of life, this mechanism ensures our safety, calms and reconciles us with ourselves, and therefore is acceptable and very appropriate. I will illustrate with my own current example. I, as a pacifist , as a woman and as a mother, against any socio-political confrontation, and in general - outside of politics (this has always been - Always)! When all sorts of social aggravations arise, my anxiety intensifies: I worry about the country, my fellow citizens, the future of the children, but I will not run to the barricades, like a true philosopher - in this sense, I am not a fighter! At the same time, realizing my responsibility for silent participation in the results, I automatically rationalize, explaining my passivity with a neutral philosophical position, thereby maintaining some internal stability, otherwise my anxiety would drive me crazy!********** ****************It is important for the psyche to receive reasonable explanations in the format of an adaptive (reducing mental anxiety) mental coordinate system. This ensures psychological stability. Sublimation. First, let's remember the definition... Sublimation is a protective mechanism of the psyche, which is the relief of internal tension by redirecting energy to achieve socially acceptable goals, creativity. This is what will help you usefully switch your heads and use time positively during anxious periods of life. I will illustrate. For example, in the last period of time, in my free hours of the day, I have been writing publications and baking for children (instead of sitting in front of news monitors). This distracts me from the crisis and fills me with more life-giving content, while the anxious internal energy finds a neutral outlet. We change the channel, redirect the flows, live the tension “correctly”. Compensation: fantasy and dreams. First, let’s remember the definition... Compensation is the replenishment of what reality lacks products of the imagination, escape into the imaginary world - into fantasies and dreams. You probably know that storytellers, as a rule (and often geniuses in any other field) are deeply unhappy people who compensate with dreams and fiction for the intolerance of their reality. A striking example of this is my beloved Hans Christian Andersen (one day I will write a special publication about him). So, in times of anxiety, this is the most fertile and most accessible way - to fantasize, compose, dream, recording your creations on paper. Later, at the end of the troubled time, the masterpieces you create can seriously surprise the world. Stress activates internal resources, and dream and creativity contribute to the delicate output of this spiritual material. This is how a Miracle is sometimes born! I will illustrate with my own current example. Recently, I began to voice my fairy tales, this takes me temporarily into an imaginary wonderful world - into a magical fantasy and dream, thereby distracting me from the crisis. At the same time, the wonderful world of the fairy tales I voiced delights the reader, helping him to distract himself. Double and pleasant benefit!*********************************** Well, friends, do I have all the “useful” compensation now?.