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From the author: Resentment is a concept familiar to every person. This is a completely natural reaction of people to certain circumstances in life or in interpersonal communication. And if for some the “touchy state” is short-term, others may take grievances too close to their hearts and store them in their memory for a long time. This can not only prevent a person from building normal relationships and feeling like a full-fledged member of society, but can also ruin his whole life. How to stop being offended over trifles? A few simple recommendations: Try to look at the current situation that provoked the offense from the perspective of the future. For example, in 15-20 years, will you also react so violently to the words or actions of your offender? With a high degree of probability it can be said that no. More complex problems and situations will arise later. So why waste your nerves and energy now? Don’t hesitate to understand the situation right away. Perhaps you simply misunderstood your interlocutor, and your offense has no basis. Resentment and criticism. Learn to perceive adequate criticism correctly, and then there will be less room for offense. Try to assess the situation objectively, for a while putting yourself in the shoes of the offender. Perhaps he did not do this on purpose, having little control over himself at that moment. Or maybe you behaved inappropriately? Gather your willpower into a fist, once again mentally run the situation before your eyes and try to analyze it from the positions of both sides. Try to resolve conflict situations without unnecessary speculation, it is better to clarify rather than speculate. In difficult moments, be guided by reason, and not just by feelings. A good sense of humor will help to add a touch of comedy to a conflict situation. People who know how to laugh at themselves or the situation can respond to an insult with a joke, which will more easily resolve the problem. Very often, the cause of unfounded insults is a person’s difficult emotional state. For example, when in a prolonged stressful situation, most of us react to words or actions more sharply and sometimes thoughtlessly. Therefore, in order to unwind a little, take your mind off problems and provide at least a short-term “vacation” to the nervous system, you need to change your usual environment. Organize a trip to another city or country, meet and communicate with new people and just enjoy your vacation. By the way, in a new environment it is much easier to analyze and evaluate the situation that provoked the offense. Also review your daily schedule. Heavy workload and an endless list of things to do lead to psychological exhaustion, which is a common cause of unreasonable touchiness. Excessive touchiness drags a person into conflict situations, is an obstacle to a comfortable existence in a team and building new relationships, and is incompatible with career growth and self-realization. It is possible and necessary to get rid of such a deficiency. If you can’t do it yourself, you should contact a good specialist. Working with grievances and resentment is one of the topics that psychologists work with..