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To see new opportunities and solutions. It happens: a person lives, lives, copes with troubles (small and not so small). And his life flows smoothly, habitually, without shocks. But, overnight, everything changes dramatically: events begin to occur after which there is no return to the past: a serious illness with a high risk of leaving this world, the irreversible loss of loved ones, the departure of a loved one, trauma that forces us to learn to live differently..."Now I can think only about how to survive, to recover, how to find out about the fate of loved ones, how to find a job, how to live without a loved one, how, how.." This is often said by clients whose lives have involved circumstances of such magnitude and significance that life overnight it was divided into “before and after.” Stunned by force majeure circumstances, a person for some time does not see an acceptable way out, a suitable solution. And then it seems to him that all resources have been exhausted, and confusion and anxiety settle in his soul. fear. These strong feelings flood the soul, involuntarily focusing feelings, thoughts, actions at the point of the strongest fear. A “toggle switch” appears, which turns on “tunnel vision”, and a huge, bright, diverse world is seen as if through a narrow pipe. I also experienced all this: in December 2021, two turning points happened in my life at once: I learned about an oncological diagnosis and there were significant financial losses. Read about what the “Tunnel Vision” Effect is and why it occurs more often in times of rapid change: https://www.b17.ru/my_article.php?id=361084How to get out of the tunnel, look around and see opportunities and solutions Let's think together about how to look, what to feel, what to think about and what to do in order to once again perceive life in its entirety. The point of return to life can be knowledge and understanding of what happens in the psyche during periods of life disruption: an event that divides life on “Before and After”, strives to take center stage, to become the main thing in the past and future life. A life-grabbing generalization occurs: “I am the one / the one to whom this happened.” And “I’ve been going towards this all my life”: Only the traumatic event remains in the focus of attention, a person looks only at it and perceives life through it. Everything else is diminished, devalued, washed away. This is how “tunnel vision” turns on. BUT: At the same time, a mother who has lost her husband does not cease to be a mother. We agree. What should we do to regain a wide-angle perception of life? Let's remember this: yes, a turning point event occurred in life, and at the same time it is not the only one that determines you and your life in the future. It may be difficult, but it is possible: First, it’s worth shifting your attention away from the problem that’s taking up all your energy. to those areas of life where you can fill up, expand your perception of life, and heal. That is, to become more whole. Remember as many answers as possible to the questions supported by your previous life: “Who am I? and What / what am I?” Was / was before. And not just remember, but gradually revive in your soul states, roles, ways of acting, fill them with colors, sounds, smells, bodily sensations. This way you can regain yourself: it will be a foundation from the past on which you can build a new, sustainable and... beautiful building of the present. When your foundation is strong, you can build the first floor through honest answers to the question: “Who am I now?” Crisis traumatic situations encourage us to expand, wake up and invite unfamiliar, previously unmanifested subpersonalities into life. Rest assured: you definitely have them. And among them there are many strong, resourceful, wise... You can find them - your old / new roles. This will help you gradually exit the tunnel and overcome the limitations of the injury. And, no matter how difficult it may be, try to fulfill irrevocable responsibilities: they also save and support life. The exit from the injury is already near, when you have an image of the desired future, the strength to desire appears. In the next I will share the article, how I did it.