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Every woman dreams of seeing a strong man, a protector, a hero next to her. We look for these qualities in our husbands, but where do they come from, how are they formed? This question especially attracts attention when there is a boy growing up in the family. Are male character traits “inherited” or do they need to be nurtured? Many male characteristics, and in particular the functioning of the brain and nervous system, are indeed given to boys from birth, simply because they are boys (female brains work differently). But this is not enough to raise a real hero; it is important to follow some rules that will allow these features to develop in the right direction, forming a real male character. And one more exciting question: which parent shapes a man’s character: mom or dad? In fact, every parent contributes their contribution and it is impossible to exclude any of them. The mother forms in the boy the feeling of being a man, i.e. internal qualities and relationships, and dad sets an example of masculine behavior, i.e. an example of the manifestation and use of these qualities in real life. So how to raise your son to be a “real man” and a hero? Here are some simple tips:1. Recognize the authority of a man in the family. There is no need to pretend to be a supermom who can do everything better than a man. Dads are often much better at dealing with some children's problems than moms. Dads, as a rule, are more creative, and in some cases find a common language with the child much easier, although they do not last long, because women are more resilient and tolerant. But don’t deprive your son of these golden, albeit short, moments spent with dad. Mom won't replace that. Show your son that you respect a man, trust him to make important decisions, and consider him your support. It is the mother’s attitude towards the father in the family (and just towards men in general) that shapes the son’s ideas about what a man should be like, how a woman sees him.2. Actively involve dad in raising his son. How you can do this: Ask dad more often to take his son to classes, to the garden, to the store, i.e. leave them alone. Don’t force!, arguing that he is a dad and therefore should participate in raising his son, namely, ask, ask to spend time with his son, because they are great at it, or you really need help. Divide the games into “mom’s” and “ daddy’s” so that men have their own “territory” where mom is not allowed. “Fighting” games with dad in the evenings are very useful, even though moms don’t like fights, it’s very useful to fight with dad and practice techniques, it’s at such moments that dad He passes on his “masculine attitude” to his son, and it’s simply useful to throw out the energy that boys usually have in abundance. Men’s brains work differently than women’s. Boys and men are designed in such a way that they want to know the essence of things, what works and how, how it works, what is made of what, etc. Therefore, encourage the boys to ask any questions on such topics, and even better, have the son look for answers together with his dad. Do not challenge the father’s opinion in front of his son. And discuss your disagreement with your husband quietly, “without children’s eyes.”3. Parents, and especially dads, develop in yourself the qualities that you want to see in your child. If your life revolves around work and fishing, you have no interests, hobbies or interests, but at the same time you want your son to be active and well-rounded, then he is unlikely to become so. Here, of course, the example of the father, the man in the house, is of great importance and greater influence. How does he manifest what he wants to see in his son? Don’t throw around empty words about how you should and shouldn’t act; one personal example is always more convincing than a thousand words. If you want your son to grow up to be a real hero and man, then become a hero!4. Allow your son to show the qualities of a real hero, a man (here are some examples for mothers): Strong: ask him to carry a bag from the store (depending on age, physical assistance will be different), press the elevator button,.