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In fact, every person has felt shy at least once in their life. And you can’t even imagine how many people all over the world today are afraid to make a report in front of their colleagues, a schoolboy is afraid to recite his first poem in front of his classmates, an aspiring model simply shakes before going on the podium. Do you think the famous singer was not afraid or embarrassed for the first time on stage? Didn't his voice tremble before the performance and wasn't he nervous? No matter how it is! Remember! Every person is worried, afraid and worried. BUT! The most successful ones find a way out of this situation. How? Now we’ll figure it all out. When a person experiences fear, the body’s defensive reaction is activated. And that's okay. That's how it should be. This is physiology. But you and I can control our emotions! Therefore...we can solve the problem. And we do it step by step. Step one. Let's get to the root of your fear. What is the real reason? Low self-esteem? Such a character? Lack of self-confidence? Analyze why you are shy, what you are afraid of. You need to figure out the reason and the problem is solved. For example, you go to the board to solve an equation. The teacher called your name...IVANOV TO THE BOARD!!!! Do you think it thundered throughout the whole school? A bell rings in your head...you get up and go to the board. During the journey, there are thousands of thoughts in my head: - “What if I don’t decide”? - “I forgot how the root is extracted.” Horror!!! - “I won’t answer... What if someone else starts laughing”? - “And if I look at Natasha, I’ll completely forget everything.” It seems like you walked to the board forever. They came up and raised their heads, and there was an example: 46*8=You look at the numbers, remember the multiplication table, your thoughts switched, you don’t think about anything except the example 6*8=-48, 8*4=32, 32, 32+ 4=36, Total 368! You decided!!! It turned out to be simple! You did it! How is that possible? After all, you were AFRAID a couple of minutes ago!!! What's the secret? Secret: Self-confidence. A person who is confident in himself is calm. He doesn’t care who or what will say about him. Someone will give you hints, someone will make fun of you. Someone will shout, “Again, the excellent nerd student is coming to decide.” But a self-confident student does not pay attention to anyone or anything. He goes and does his job. Second step. Knowledge. If you know, you are confident and you have nothing to fear. If you know that 6*8=48, you can solve this example even if there are 20 classmates around you, or even the whole school. Be it a lesson, a report, any speech, you must have an excellent understanding of the topic. If, for example, you are speaking at a congress of biologists with a report “Biological features of animal migration,” you must know perfectly well what you will talk about, so well know this topic in order to answer any question asked. There are many ways to overcome fear, overcome uncertainty, shyness Of all, in my opinion, the surest way to overcome fear is to imagine it and experience it. For example, you go to the board and you stumble and fall. Half the class is laughing, someone runs up to help, tears are welling up in your eyes... how can this be... it's a shame... what will happen now... A schoolgirl falls in front of a class of 30 people or a beauty contest participant who is watched by millions, there is no difference. Inflate this situation to enormous proportions, experience all your emotions at this moment, increase in size until it bursts. And you will understand that nothing super-terrible happened. You fell, got up and moved on. No worldwide catastrophe occurred. This can happen to anyone. And all this will pass. And, of course, humor saves you in any situation. You can stand up and say, “That’s how I was in a hurry to solve this problem!” By the way, at one beauty pageant there actually was such an incident when a participant was walking, tripped and fell. She stood up and said: “This is how I rush for the crown.” The whole hall laughed. Not how she fell, but how she got out of the situation. And the third step: Believe in yourself. Always believe in yourself. Whatever school, professional or life tasks you face. Gain experience. This is your first time!