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From the author: Thinking about adolescence, about the age when a child becomes an adult, I suddenly clearly realized why teenagers rebel so much. They don't want to grow up! Why? Yes, because these are two worlds, the world of adults and the world of children, which are connected only by a thread of memories. Conflict of generations?! Where did this come from? Why do we, as adults, cease to understand this world, the world of childhood, because we all come from there. Do you remember the song: “Where does childhood go, to what cities, And where can we find a means to get there again. It will go away unexpectedly, while the whole city is sleeping...” And one fine morning a teenager wakes up and realizes that the world of children is irrevocable leaves, for some reason he doesn’t want to play, run and laugh carefree, the fuss of the little ones seems alien and distant, and the world of adults seems unexplored and also distant. So the teenager stands between two worlds, the world of adults and the world of children, and there is no way back, and no way forward. pulls. But I wanted, just yesterday I wanted to be an adult. I remember how, as a child, looking at adults, my brother and I discussed how good they were, they could do everything. We were about five or seven years old. We had no idea what it meant. “everything is possible.” The world of adults is stress, bustle, responsibility, thirst for achievements, depression from failures or tears of dissatisfaction, the pursuit of material values ​​or the eternal desire for happiness, love, and only a short pleasure from the fact that suddenly you achieve what you want. the amount of wealth is not the factor that brings peace, convenience - yes, but peace with yourself - no. All this is the world of an adult. And the world of children is full of bumps, broken knees and tears. Childhood may be different, but all children have one thing in common. They live in the moment, they live and feel life in its moment now, that’s why they laugh so loudly, that’s why their eyes glow so much, even if they are sad or with a tear - the eyes of children always glow. The child’s connection with his inner world is strong and this gives the child the opportunity to live and not exist. So a teenager stands between two worlds. One - the world of children is bright, noisy like a carnival, but he was pushed out of this world and the door was slammed. And the second world of adults is the black and white world of reality, where everything is possible. The teenager is in a panic, he does not understand how, why and who acted so cruelly to him and why today... Maybe this is temporary, a faint hope flashes in the teenager’s chest . On the way to the kitchen, he stumbles upon a mirror and, as if he sees himself for the first time. After all, it was only one night, but something happened to my face, especially my eyes. Previously, someone seemed to live in them, but now this someone ran away or hid. And mom, gently ruffling her hair, tries to kiss her on the cheek with kind words, and you suddenly shy wildly away from her loving touch, which scares her and yourself. A wise mother peacefully pronounces “puberty,” which sounds like a death sentence to you. Yes, just yesterday you checked your weekly height measurements and dreamed of growing up faster, and today, an unpleasant chill grips your chest from the realization that childhood is leaving. Why? Science tells us how your hormones rage, how your body is rebuilt, and how quickly a person moves from the teenage stage to the adult stage. More surprises await you at school and among your friends - this is all the external side of the matter. There is also an internal one, it is so internal, I’m not talking about hormones, and not about a rapidly growing body, it’s even deeper. What kind of changes are these, and what is happening at the level of the soul, and why it hurts so much inside, and why the whole world seems to be against you at the moment when you leave the world of children and become an adult. Imagine, a child is born, so tiny and weak, he cannot even hold his own head. Have you ever seen the look of a newborn baby? When he first opens his eyes and looks at you. These are the eyes that hold the wisdom and power of the universe, they are so deep and ancient that it is simply amazing. These are not the eyes of a small helpless creature who cannot survive without a mother or adult care. This