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From the author: Article "Do you have a trick?" resonated with readers. And this inspired me to continue. I share with everyone) How is the chip formed? Or what is your career path... Did you choose your career path the first time? We can congratulate you on this! Most people make several visits to different professions, different areas of activity, until they find something THEIR OWN. What it looks like: a person chooses a path, climbs up it, and after a while realizes that this is not what he would like to do. And what does he do? descends from this peak and climbs to the next. This can happen many times. Is this bad? Don't know. But if a person often makes such forays into new areas, then he himself loses from this: Firstly, he wastes time, because every time he starts a new business, he has to get used to it as if from scratch. It’s good if the experience that he has accumulated while working in one area will be useful to him in another, but this does not always happen. And the person simply jumps in different directions. As a result, such a person delays the moment when he will become a top-class professional. He may already be 38, or 45, or 50, but he is still not special anywhere. And the resume of such a person looks like a frequent change of jobs, he is constantly in search of himself, in search of his own. And in the eyes of the HR manager, to whom he will come for the next interview, such a resume will not look very attractive. After all, where is the guarantee that this candidate will stay in this company longer than usual? What is the alternative to this search for yourself? Does she exist? Eat! Let's imagine a person's career path as an hourglass image: What does this mean? At first we do a little bit of everything, try different things. As knowledge, skills and abilities increase, we begin to concentrate on something: the area of ​​study in one area gradually becomes wider, and the scope of application of this information becomes narrower. For example, I chose the direction of career psychology and career advancement. I gradually realized that the topic I was interested in was neurotic disorders at work - burnout, workaholism, perfectionism. And I began to study the material in relation to this narrow topic, and not careers in general. It turns out that after the vector of your movement has been chosen, you should begin to feel for something in it that is closest to you. It is worth choosing a narrow specialization to develop your skills, what only you will do, and build your feature on this. That is, gradually narrowing the area of ​​your interest, at some point you come to the “throat” (that is, the narrow part of the watch). What is a throat is a specialization in a certain niche. And here you need to work in one place for at least 3-5 years and develop as an expert. After developing your expertise and your specialization, you can again expand and try other related areas and expand your area of ​​interest. Let me illustrate this with another example: you chose psychology for yourself. When you are at the base of the clock, you are trying different things in psychology, because there are many directions. These can be different categories of clients: children, women, somatic patients, students, people with disabilities, etc. These can be different trends in psychology: Gestalt, psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy, group therapy, individual counseling, etc. That is, having tried different things, you will intuitively find what is closer to you, what is more interesting to you, what you do best. But is it possible to do one thing for a long time? Over time, any business, even the most exciting one, becomes uninteresting, so it’s worth changing something periodically. The lack of something new can also slow down your development! Therefore, having mastered your niche well, most likely you will want to master some other related areas, and maybe completely different ones. But what is important to understand: if you???