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From the author: The road reveals such human qualities that he, a person, hides from prying eyes, behind a mask of decency and good manners, in everyday life. At the airport it becomes clear who is worth what. Our flight, already late in all respects, was delayed. Festival Barcelona did not want to let us out of its warm, moist embrace. Perhaps Barcelona was upset that we were leaving it in the midst of the September festivals of fire, dance and something else, and hoped to bring us back. The thunderstorm that broke out two hours before the storm somehow damaged our plane. We didn’t know this, we were notified only an hour later. At first, we tried for a long time to find out the time and place of the actual boarding gate, waited for the announcement, then took a place in the queue, but we never managed to get on board. The plane was changed, and the announcer announced the landing in Spanish and English. Some of the passengers passed the counter, they were allowed downstairs to the bus, and our small company, randomly selected passengers, tried for a long time to break through to more than half of the “lucky ones.” Someone was waving a ticket, demanding that it be added to those who had passed down, and someone, using their knowledge of English and maybe a little Spanish, sought from the airport workers an understanding of why we remained among the “chosen ones.” Looking ahead, in the aftermath, everything we were very happy about our “failure”. Also because each of us was able to run to the bar and the toilet again, and then again to the airport bar. Some of those who remained were wringing their hands painfully, shouting in Russian to the airport workers that he had to go to work in Moscow at six o’clock, and some were happily chatting with strangers while drinking coffee, whiskey or wine, with a bite of jamon. As it turned out later, Most of the passengers on our plane were hanging out on the stairs between the airport floors. And as one of the fellow travelers said, so-so entertainment! We got on the plane with the whole crew, after about another hour or two, well, maybe an hour and a half. Our group of “chosen ones”, having fun, finally took their seats on the plane, causing puzzled looks among those who waited for us between the stairs and the bus. Someone from ... let it be me now;) once said: The road reveals such human qualities that he, a person, hides from prying eyes, behind a mask of decency and good manners, in everyday life. At the airport, it becomes noticeable who is worth what. For some passengers, failures in the system, like a personal tragedy, the passenger begins to get nervous, twitch and “boister”, demand the fulfillment of rights, without taking into account reality. He will lead service personnel into conflict and strive to defend his point of view at any cost. It is clear that in this way the passenger strives to cope with his own helplessness and anxiety. Usually, such behavior depletes the owner himself, deprives him of his last strength, and weakens the nervous system. His restless nature becomes a burden to those around him, even to those who are in the same position with him. In another case, a conscious person will use all possible arsenal to resolve the issue; knowledge of the language, the ability to competently and clearly ask the right questions to those who can actually give an answer. Such a passenger strives to resolve issues without unnecessary stress for others. He will not allow himself to be "drifted" and will take care of his space. If a situation arises where it is impossible to change the world in one’s favor, he will look for a way to defuse the general tension, using jokes or talking about abstract topics. As a rule, these passengers usually stand at the back of the queue, they allow the most restless passengers to go to the front. There are rules that can help the anxious passenger. Of course, any road requires greater concentration. So if your situation looks confusing, first ask yourself a series of questions: What is happening now? How does this affect my situation? Can I influence this? What else can I do? Who else is responsible for this situation? Do I understand correctly that he.