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Author: master of short-term strategic therapy Oleg Vladimirovich Surkov We now live in a world of consumption. Advertising attacks us from all sides. We see her on the streets, on television. Advertising is shown on the most popular videos on YouTube. On many sites we are also harassed by advertising. Advertising is also broadcast on radio. We encounter it on the subway and on public transport. Advertising is everywhere now. Almost everything is advertised: jars, dishwashing detergent, cars, medicines and, of course, BEAUTY. After all, they are not advertising shampoo, powder, perfume, lipstick to us, but they are advertising BEAUTY. And not just beauty, but its IDEAL. And our mind creates this ideal image, which we are now simply obliged to follow and strive for. We constantly compare ourselves to these advertised beauty standards. And when we fail to approach these unattainable standards, we experience deep disappointment. And sooner or later we realize that we do not have a single chance to achieve the ideal. Because of this, we feel simply disgusting. Therefore, as soon as you show a young teenage girl a fashion magazine, depression will not be long in coming. The girl will immediately begin the completely natural process of comparing herself with those super models who flaunt on the pages of the magazine. And it doesn’t matter that to improve their appearance, these models are filmed in special pavilions, with special lighting, they are given special makeup, their photos are processed in Photoshop, etc. They are made into beauties using special means and effects. Comparisons are usually not in our favor. And at the same time, thoughts arise: will other people like me for who I am? We are afraid of being rejected. This is one of the basic fears of a person. It arose as a result of our evolution. For our ancestors, it was deadly if you were expelled from the community. It was almost impossible to survive alone at that time. And in order not to be expelled, you must meet certain requirements, you must be useful and try to please other members of the community. Therefore, we spend a lot of energy on unproductive, but completely justified thoughts about whether we will be rejected or accepted? Thus, due to the natural evolution and development of our consciousness, we constantly subject ourselves to comparison and evaluation. This must be accepted as an inevitable product of our development. Sign up for a consultation: phone 8-905-793-2237 skype sovlad2e-mail: [email protected] Oleg Vladimirovich Surkov I work with my soul! If you found the article interesting, the author will be pleased for your thanks. This will inspire you to write new interesting articles.!