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From the author: A short article from my website There are things in people, in the world in general, that can be very annoying. Which our mind simply refuses to accept! What kind of acceptance is there - on the contrary, I want to actively fight these manifestations. Active residents of the entrances actively fight against unscrupulous people, responsible politicians loudly and defiantly denounce corruption, parents often do not accept certain traits in their children, in any human group there is always someone whose behavior, and sometimes the very fact of existence, is sometimes felt simply unbearable. And so on, and so on, and so on. What can I say - it’s enough just to drive on the city streets and see and feel for yourself how drivers treat each other. Have you ever wondered why this happens? What is the real reason? I admit, I don’t often cite parables as examples. It seems like it’s not my style. But in this case, one parable will say much better than many rational arguments. Here it is: Once upon a time, a king built a huge palace. It was a palace with millions of mirrors. Absolutely all the walls, floors and ceilings of the palace were covered with mirrors. One day a dog ran into the palace. Looking around, she saw many dogs around her. Dogs were everywhere. Being a very intelligent dog, she bared her teeth, just in case, to protect herself from these millions of dogs surrounding her and to scare them. All the dogs bared their teeth in response. She growled - they answered her with a threat. Now the dog was sure that its life was in danger, and began to bark. She had to tense up, she began to bark with all her might, very desperately. But when she barked, those millions of dogs also began to bark. And the more she barked, the more they answered her. In the morning this unfortunate dog was found dead. And she was there alone, in that palace there were only millions of mirrors. No one fought with her, there was no one at all who could fight, but she saw herself in the mirrors and was scared. And when she began to fight, the reflections in the mirrors also began to fight. She died in the fight against millions of her own reflections surrounding her.