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Depression is a complex disorder that affects many systems of the body, including the immune system (as a cause or as a consequence). Depression often manifests itself in the form of constant sadness, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness and pessimism, guilt, worthlessness, helplessness. The disease may also reduce interest in or enjoyment of hobbies and activities you once enjoyed, including sex. Decreased energy, fatigue (overwork), and a feeling of slowness are characteristic features of the disorder, as are restlessness, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and impaired memory and decision-making processes. Many people suffering from depression experience thoughts of death or suicide. Depression can cause sleep disturbances (insomnia, waking up early or hypersomnia) and eating disorders (changes in appetite, weight loss or gain). Persistent physical ailments resulting from the disease may include headaches, digestive disorders. Everyone experiences depression from time to time, thus reacting to events in which previously set goals are not achieved and expectations are crushed, but such reactions usually last a short period of time. How depression should be considered a disorder when mood disturbances and other symptoms last more than 2 weeks (diagnostic criteria can be found in ICD-10, DSM-V). There are certain situations and features of life experience that increase the risk of depression. The main ones are violent (abusive) relationships, loss of a relationship, job or something significant, serious failures or disappointments in any area of ​​life. Despite the fact that, for example, the death of a spouse, loss of a job and a number of other circumstances are not under the control of a person, however, you can develop a number of additional self-defense measures in order to be prepared for various life difficulties. There are also individual personality characteristics that can increase the risk of depression. The main ones are the presence of a pattern of negative thinking and a pattern of coping with emotions, especially in response to difficult experiences. All of these can be changed with due care and practice. Changing these is the main goal of cognitive behavioral therapy. While it is not always possible to change the amount of stress one experiences, there are many ways to change stress response pathways. There are many effective ways to overcome depression, including: psychotherapy, aimed at correcting errors in thinking and beliefs that involuntarily underlie depression, and promoting the development of strategies aimed at overcoming stress; drug therapy, used to reduce symptoms of depression, including suicidal intentions , which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of psychotherapy; neuromodulation, which includes methods of direct stimulation of neural networks to restore effective communication between key areas of brain functioning. Meanwhile, there are also many natural and life mechanisms that people can use on their own, from establishing a diet, performing special exercises before practicing meditation. Thus, proper nutrition, exposure to sunlight, social support and company, sleep, sex have a proven effect on reducing depressive symptoms. Thus, there are a huge number of inexpensive and non-invasive ways to reduce depression that do not require specialist intervention and a prescription from a doctor .All of them make a significant contribution to a person’s overall well-being.*It is worth noting that we are talking about additional measures that a person can take when dealing with a depressive state. The main vector of correction of the condition, aimed at completely eliminating the symptoms of depression, should be determined by a specialist. Among the methods of correctionmoods that you can resort to on your own are worth highlighting: Exercise, any physical activity restores a sense of control over life. Research shows that even 15 minutes of daily physical activity - especially during the day - can have beneficial effects on mood, energy, and sleep. One large study of 34,000 adults over 11 years found that just 1 hour of physical activity activity per week prevented 12% of the expected cases of depression. Other studies show that exercise is an effective preventive method even when there is a genetic predisposition to depression. Because depression negatively affects a person's motivation and energy, experts emphasize that it is important to start doing something (doing anything is better than doing nothing) and start small, a few minutes of walking a day. In addition, a number of studies show that walking stimulates the growth of new neural connections (the basis of neuroplasticity). Exercise specifically increases neuroplasticity in the hippocampus, the center of cognition and memory and an area of ​​the brain particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of stress. In addition, strength or resistance training has been shown to increase the signaling capacity of nerve cells. vitamins or supplements that are useful in combating depression B vitamins - especially B9 (folic acid), B6 ​​(pyrodoxine), B12 (cyanocobalamin) - are critical for functioning nervous system and play a huge role in maintaining brain health. All B vitamins are cofactors for enzymes involved in the production of neurotransmitters that affect mood. Fish oil, rich in omega-3 fats, increases neuroplasticity and protects brain cells from the degenerative effects of depression. The spice turmeric contains curcumin, which has also been shown to improve symptoms in patients with depression. Not only is it anti-inflammatory, but it also helps mitigate the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. Magnesium reduces the amount of inflammatory substances in the body; In addition, it stabilizes the levels of some neurotransmitters associated with depression. Nutrition There is no specific diet that is aimed at curing depression, but there are certain nutrient-rich foods that have a positive effect on mental health and counteract the effects of depression on the brain. A number of studies have linked traditional Mediterranean and Japanese cuisines to a lower risk of depression. Such a menu includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, more fish than meat, and moderate consumption of dairy products. In addition, most fruits and vegetables contain nutrients essential for brain health. In particular, studies have shown that berries (strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries) contain large amounts of antioxidants that contribute to brain performance and protect it from neurodegeneration. Olive oil is another food that affects brain functioning. Fish, especially wild-caught fish, contains fats that help support brain function. Whole grains, nuts and seeds, and low-fat dairy products also contain nutrients that promote brain health. Sunlight It's no secret that all body functions are in sync with the 24-hour cycle. an hourly cycle divided into day and night. Even minor disruptions to circadian rhythms caused by prolonged sun exposure disrupt the production of hormones such as melatonin and serotonin, which affect nerve function and cognitive processes. Exposure to sunlight normalizes the body clock and triggers the production of vitamin D. Research shows that vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining brain health by stimulating the growth of nerve cells to preserve memory as well as maintain mood. Meditation Research shows that one of the factors that constantly associated with depression are ( 8(914)-978-80-03)