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From the author: From a series of articles on how to be an authority for a child and set your own rules without punishment Recently I did a poll on my page, and the topic “How to be an authority for a child and set your own rules” received the most votes without punishment." Let's figure it out together... Authority is a form of influence on people based on respect and trust. Someone who has authority relies on the faith in him and his decisions of other people and controls them through persuasion, not coercion .These others voluntarily obey his decisions. If you agree with this statement about the authority of a parent in relations with children, then read on. It turns out that an authoritative parent is a parent whom the child respects, trusts, listens to his opinion and acts on the basis from it.--------------------- Let's list the qualities of such a parent: - he respects himself, does not depend on other people's (public) opinions and does not allow other people and the child to violate his boundaries; - he has the behavior of an adult, the character traits of an adult personality, for example, he does not take offense at the child; - he respects the child as an individual, listens, understands and accepts, and, moreover, does not allow himself to shout at the child or hit him, as he would not allow this to be done with an adult; - he does not overprotect the child, fulfills parental responsibilities and satisfies the material and psychological needs of the child; - he allows the child to be himself, does not remake him and helps him develop; - he understands that he is superior in hierarchy, and has power over the child; it follows from this that he cares about the safety of the child and does not cause him psychological or physical harm; - he is calm, balanced, it is difficult to get him out of this state, he knows how to control himself, and not to suppress a negative state, but to realize, manage and transform; - he knows how to distinguish his state, for example, that now he is actually angry not at the child, but at himself or another person, circumstances; - he can openly talk about his feelings in his relationship with the child, for example, about what makes him angry in the child’s behavior or what makes him happy; - he does not manipulate, but asks, expresses his opinion; - he can be trusted, i.e. the child can share with him and knows that the parent will not betray him, will not tell anyone about his secret; - the child knows that he is safe and will always be protected; - he does not criticize, but supports; - he knows how to say “no” the child and explains why “no”; - he clearly establishes the rules and does not talk about punishment for failure to follow the rules, but about the consequences of failure to comply with these rules; - if the rules and consequences are established, then he clearly follows them and does not indulge, although the consequences may and don’t like it yourself. That’s all, in general, or maybe you remember something else, write in the comments) It would seem easy. What exactly makes it difficult for you in this matter, write in the comments and come for a consultation, together We will build a strategy and tactics on how to become an authority for your child and improve your relationship.----------PS Sign up for a time convenient for you and You can find out more about consultations by calling +7 (951) 114-14-49 Or leave a request via the link https://vk.com/im?media=&sel=-101976968